
Find out more about the drug Zocor:

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Zocor rating

If the simple information in the Zocor leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real Zocor stories and expert opinions

Our users rated Zocor for the average grade 5.6/10 based on 17 comments posted on
Latest Zocor Stories
Apparently, zocor is an original preparation. The substitutes as such are g…. worth. Regarding the side effects, each organism reacts differently.

jan the Zocor

Zokor is a harmful statin, which causes muscle and joint pain. Wise doctors do not prescribe it.

Igo the Zocor

I was taking zocor 2 year, the doctor changed me to atoris where by 2 my muscles ached for years and the doctors did not know why it was only a wise doctor who told me to stop taking the drug atoris which caused my pain. So rewritten for me again… [read the entire review]

jadwisia the Zocor

side effects for me :
lack of sleep
constant fatigue
memory problems

50+ the Zocor

I take zocor because my doctor tells me to do so and I have side effects, unfortunately: sleep disturbance – I wake up every hour and can't sleep,
I'm still tired,
I'm sweating a lot,
unfortunately my memory fails.

50+ the Zocor

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Current office Zocor

Zocor is a drug, which is necessary as a supplement to low-cholesterol diet. The best results in lowering cholesterol levels (both the evil and the good) obtained at the regular poly. The drug works two stages. This means that, that lowers bad cholesterol while cholesterol supports the positive effects of good. Through this behavior is enhanced stabilizing effect of lowering and low cholesterol content.

The first results are visible after a week poly. However, the stabilization is at least 2 weeks of taking. The treatment shows the best results after 4 weeks of regular drug.

Where can you buy Zocor?

Check where to buy Zocor. Look for the best location and price to order. Always compare the price and the availability of Zocor at the pharmacy.

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Zocor ingredients and action

Find out about the composition of Zocor and its use on ailments
Check out other drugs and read reviews about them

Zocor is used in an accident: For ischemic heart disease, Of coronary heart disease, For diabetes, For diabetes, For type diabetes 2, For atherosclerosis, Prescription,
The main ingredients of Zocor are: Simvastatin ,

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17 Replies to “Zocor”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I take zocor because my doctor tells me to do so and I have side effects, unfortunately: sleep disturbance – I wake up every hour and can't sleep,
    I'm still tired,
    I'm sweating a lot,
    unfortunately my memory fails.

  2. Ja od kilku lat zażywam na wysoki zły cholesterol.
    Kiedyś atrox 40 teraz zocor 20, teraz mam cholesterol w normie, ale zaczynałam jak było prawie 400
    myślę o zaniechaniu ale p dr mówi, że to już trzeba do końca życia łykać.