



I have two years of Tritace interesting experience. I 58 year. For the first year I could not accuse him. Well my blood pressure regulated, I was taking a little, bo 5mg. In recent months, there was a problem again too high pressure, and the doctor upped me to 10mg Tritace. Then I started to hear ringing in your ears. Now the question: Is Tritace resulted in a call, or simply a consequence of the pressure was. This is one side effect.
The second foul resulted in involuntary muscle contractions. I learned from the Internet, it may be an effect of an increase in dose. Tritace not stop, however, take, I think, it was too good medicine to so quickly abandon it. For now, I download magnesium supplements, because it must cope with contractions. If you do not help, I choose it for consultation and can then think about some changes.



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