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Zyx Score

If the simple information in the Zyx leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real Zyx stories and expert opinions

Our users rated Zyx for the average grade 4.6/10 based on 33 comments posted on
Latest Zyx Stories
It is a drug that makes you sleepy and puts on weight ,I wiwrzyłam.ze is good because my skin itches but I think I will rather give up

Agnieszka17a@o2.pk the Zyx

The doctor prescribed me this drug, I guess he treated me a little, like a guinea pig:)
I didn't associate the fact with the drug, but on the very first day I felt a tightness in my throat, as if enlarged lymph nodes.
It was a choking feeling… [read the entire review]

Mariusz Zary the Zyx

I was taking for the night, it worked well for a while, but after some time as I took it again- I couldn't get up, I slept 10-12 hours, I woke up rested, dizziness.

Agata the Zyx

Very good medicine, helped me with severe allergies.

Jarek the Zyx

For people, drug addicts, I advise you to approach the drug (ZYX) with extreme caution, and read the leaflet carefully. The doctor who prescribes this medication, he makes his patient, guinea pig, in addition, they still pay him, representatives… [read the entire review]

Caution the Zyx

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Opis leku Zyx

Zyx is a new generation antiallergic drug (it is derived from an older date drug called zyrtec). The effectiveness of the drug raises some doubts, however, there is research, which indicate that it is an effective drug.

Active ingredient, levocetirizine, has been discovered recently (in 2001). Accordingly, time will tell, whether the drug has serious long-term side effects.

Zyx is praised for it, that it does not make you feel sleepy. This is because of this, that only a small percentage of the active ingredient penetrates into the brain. This is a big change compared to the older preparations, which were known to have a side effect of use, what it was fatigue, lack of energy i sleepiness.

Where can I buy Zyx?

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Zyx ingredients and action

Find out about the composition of Zyx and its use on ailments
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Zyx is used in an accident: Na Alergię,
The main ingredients of Zyx are: Levocetirizini ,

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33 Replies to “Zyx”

  1. It is a drug that makes you sleepy and puts on weight ,I wiwrzyłam.ze is good because my skin itches but I think I will rather give up

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The doctor prescribed me this drug, I guess he treated me a little, like a guinea pig:)
    I didn't associate the fact with the drug, but on the very first day I felt a tightness in my throat, as if enlarged lymph nodes.
    It was a choking feeling, dosłownie na szyje.
    Balem, że się uduszę.
    W ciągu kuracji czułem się ospały, ale tylko pierwsze 2 days, później odwrotnie byłem ciągle niespokojny w środku i dodatkowo ten ciągły ścisk gardła z jednej strony.
    Nie wspomnę, że już w ciągu 2 dni przybrałem 3 kg i jestem osoba aktywna fizycznie, jak również bardzo zwracam uwagę na to co jem, więc było to zatrzymanie wody w organizmie, więc może dobry lek dla kulturystów :))
    When 5 dniu kuracji nie miałem problemy z oddaniem moczu, jakby coś mnie zablokowało.
    Po tygodniowej kuracji został tylko zbolały kark, a kilogramy wody spadły już po dobie odstawienia leku.
    Dziwi mnie tylko jedno, że tak niesprawdzony lek otrzymała również moja 7 summer daughter.
    I do not know, czy lek działał w ten sposób tylko na mnie, ale chciałem podzielić się opinia z innymi, którzy być może mają podobne objawy i nie wiążą tego faktu z lekiem.
    Chciałem zaznaczyć, że jestem mężczyzną 37 letnim dbającym o zdrowie i formę .
    Nie twierdze, że lek jest nieskuteczny i go nie neguje lecz możesz równie podobnie poczuć się po nim.

  3. I was taking for the night, it worked well for a while, but after some time as I took it again- I couldn't get up, I slept 10-12 hours, I woke up rested, dizziness.