
Find out more about the drug Velafax:

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Velafax rating

If the simple information in the Velafax leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Velafax and expert opinions

Our users rated Velafax for the average grade 6.3/10 based on 41 comments posted on
The latest stories about Velafax
From my experience, the combination of this drug with trittico positively affects the sphere of sexual life. As for the drug- it is effective and without visible side effects when taken, but also unpleasant when trying to reduce doses… [read the entire review]

Szymek the Velafax

It's great, it helps me a lot by reducing the dose, I tried to stop it but it doesn't work because the disease comes back ,i.e. anxieties and fears, I still did not try because I was afraid of panic attacks. So I continue to take it but every now and then I try again… [read the entire review]

Almost happy . the Velafax

Dobbry ,independent of substitutes ,they all work the same ,I've been taking about 7 years ,doses were increased gradually from 37,5 ,225mg so far ,I need a large dose ,no cardiovascular side effects. One pain ,no … [read the entire review]

Beata the Velafax

The drug worked for me, but in combination with therapy, Miracle medicine alone will not work. Antidepressants DO NOT CURE!!!!!!!
They work like APAP. Apap eliminates physical pain for the moment, and psychiatric antidepressants. They don't heal, only cause… [read the entire review]

agi the Velafax

I had social phobias. and depressive episodes. Velaflax 75 I took about 1 year though, I don't see any difference between it and. effect, or vencline.

mm the Velafax

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Opis leku Velafax

Leak Velafax contains the substance venlafaxine. It belongs to a recently popular, although recently discovered group of antidepressants known as SNRIs (reuptake inhibitors not only serotonin and norepinephrine but). The study shows comparable efficacy to venlafaxine, or more in relation to conventional SSRIs. The observations users shows that an increase in dose often enhances the effect of antidepressant drug. They also pay attention to the unpleasant feelings associated with discontinuing the drug.

Where can you buy Velafax?

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Velafax ingredients and action

Get to know the composition of Velafax and its use for ailments
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Velafax is used in an accident: In Depression, For anxiety, For sexual problems, Prescription,
The main ingredients of Velafax are: Venlafaxine ,

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41 Replies to “Velafax”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    It's great, it helps me a lot by reducing the dose, I tried to stop it but it doesn't work because the disease comes back ,i.e. anxieties and fears, I still did not try because I was afraid of panic attacks. So I continue to take it, but every now and then I try again .

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Dobbry ,independent of substitutes ,they all work the same ,I've been taking about 7 years ,doses were increased gradually from 37,5 ,225mg so far ,I need a large dose ,no cardiovascular side effects. One pain ,I do not know ,or related to Wlafax ,I sleep very badly ,I recently joined Tritico 50 mg.Besides, there is a big problem with Zomiren on which I am addicted .

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The drug worked for me, but in combination with therapy, Miracle medicine alone will not work. Antidepressants DO NOT CURE!!!!!!!
    They work like APAP. Apap eliminates physical pain for the moment, and psychiatric antidepressants. They don't heal, only cause, that panic attacks and anxiety are weaker. Psychotherapy is the most important!! Preferably long term, but you have to go regularly for half a year, or even a year. I take velafax XL 75 mg 6 year, I have been in therapy for almost a year 2 times per week. I am now in the drug phase. But I know, that I still have a long way to go, but still the difference is huge!!! I wish perseverance to all patients!! And remember that only perseverance and regularity will heal you, therapy is the basis!!!!!

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I had social phobias. and depressive episodes. Velaflax 75 I took about 1 year though, I don't see any difference between it and. effect, or vencline.

  5. Velafax 75 I've been taking mg for six years. I put it on 3 months, because it was raising my blood pressure- the second and I had heart palpitations. I started taking again, because I was losing energy, I was sleepy, I was starting to get overly stressed about anything, I was afraid, fears will begin. I take medication for high blood pressure and heart palpitations. I regained my energy and mobilization for life, which was visible after a week of taking the drug.
    I greet everyone and wish you good health.