
The drug contains a substance Citalopram Citaxin. It belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and shares many features in common with other members of the group. Citalopram is used for the treatment of depression, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. To the side effects of the drug include fatigue, dry mouth, and drowsiness. It is particularly activating drug user, So if the problem is motivation, and the level of life energy, Citalopram may not be the best choice.


Fluoxetinu ingredient is fluoxetine. This is probably the most well-known antidepressant drug. I was determined fluoxetine happy pill. In fact, it is a strong SSRI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor), often used as a first-line drug, not only in depressive disorders, ale i bulimic, premature ejaculation or even. Wait for the full effects to be at least 2 week. Users often complain of decreased libido while taking.


The drug contains a substance Citalopram Citronil. It belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and shares many features in common with other members of the group. Citalopram is used for the treatment of depression, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. To the side effects of the drug include fatigue, dry mouth, and drowsiness. It is particularly activating drug user, So if the problem is motivation, and the level of life energy, Citalopram may not be the best choice.


Mobemid works by increasing the levels of key neurotransmitters in the brain. Increases the amount of, first of all, serotonin and norepinephrine, and to a lesser extent, dopamine. Mobemid, rather moclobemide, mobemidu a component is a reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase (MAOi). It's a fairly new group of antidepressants, younger brothers irreversible MAOIs, such as for example. Phenelzine. Mobemid prescribed is most likely to occur, when medications fail, antidepressants with other groups. The drug is also used for social phobia. The drug combines two great features, First is effective, and secondly it is quite safe (in contrast to the irreversible MAOIs). When using Mobemidu should, however, avoid certain drugs (mainly SSRIs and SNRIs), to avoid possibly fatal interactions. The drug may also cause side effects. The most common are dry mouth, and insomnia and agitation, although it usually disappears after the first few days of treatment.


Escitil is one of the lesser-known alternatives to lexapro on the Polish market. Is a generic medicine, having in its composition escitalopram. As the prototype is also antidepressant Escitil, which is representative of SSRIs. The drug requires the patient above all patience – belong to the few cases, escitalopram which began its proper operation in less than two weeks. Escitil should recommend to people, with depression or neurosis tired. Usually, however, is not the first escitalopram drug, that the patient is prescribed. It appears, that psychiatrists do not fully trust the fairly new drug and will prescribe medications more familiar. Probably in mind is the safety of patients, although studies have shown, that side effects hardly different from the side effects caused by other SSRIs. There may be sexual dysfunction, trouble sleeping at night, sometimes nausea. Element, Escitil that distinguishes him from other drugs like it is, not shown, to cause weight gain during the treatment.


The active ingredient mirtazapine Mirtor. It is one of antidepressant czterocyklicznych. In Poland Mirtor is often used in the treatment of depression. Is popular in the treatment of neuroses, including generalized neurosis (GAD), and social phobia. The drug has a strong appetite potentiation. Sometimes it is also used for insomnia.
Mirtor in research comparing the effectiveness of antidepressants, drug turns out to be better than most of the other, including SSRIs, SNRI, bupropionu, or reboxetine.
The side effects of the drug are usually: somnolence, blurred vision, dry mouth, and weight gain.


The drug contains a substance escitalopram lexapro. It belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and shares many features in common with other members of the group, although it turns out to be both more effective in research, and better tolerated. Escitalopram is used for the treatment of depression, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. To the side effects of the drug include fatigue, dry mouth, and drowsiness.


Aurorix is ​​used for different types of depression, However, its effectiveness compared to other drugs is primarily seen at atypical depression, dysthymia and. Moclobemide, which is the active ingredient aurorixu, is the only representative of the group of MAOIs in Poland. Specifically, the so-called. reversible MAOIs. It can also be used people suffering from social phobia, since it is also clearly effective in this disease (incidentally, social phobia is very common with atypical depression). Using aurorix should take into account possible interactions with other drugs. You should definitely avoid drugs that affect the serotonin system, to reduce the possibility of the emergence of (often fatal) Serotonin syndrome. Aurorix rather not cause obvious side effects, although it may make it such. insomnia.


The drug contains a substance venlafaxine Velafax. It belongs to a recently popular, although recently discovered group of antidepressants known as SNRIs (reuptake inhibitors not only serotonin and norepinephrine but). The study shows comparable efficacy to venlafaxine, or more in relation to conventional SSRIs. The observations users shows that an increase in dose often enhances the effect of antidepressant drug. They also pay attention to the unpleasant feelings associated with discontinuing the drug.


Doxepin to lek antydepresyjny, which are characterized by strong property combat neurosis and anxiety. Used is probably just as often with depression, and the neurosis. Sometimes it is used even in the case of social phobia, But what is a controversial issue, as social phobia has been associated with problems in the functioning of the dopamine and GABA or, doxepin and probably does not affect the neurotransmitter systems. Side effects of the drug can be: decrease in blood pressure, weight gain, fatigue, and drowsiness.