
Find out more about the Tabex drug:

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Tabex rating

If the simple information from the Tabex leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Tabex and expert opinions

Our users rated Tabex for the average grade 7.3/10 based on 164 comments posted on
The latest stories about Tabex
Tabex from Tuesday 3 days and just thinking about a cigarette I feel sick. As on Wednesday I tried to smoke it in my mouth I felt the taste of a wet pet ;)finally free from the stench

Mini the Tabex

I recommend!!!!

former smoker the Tabex

I started taking Tabex at age 40 year. I was supposed to smoke and take pills. I'll say yes-after 5 in five days I did not feel like burning, but there were hepatic symptoms of bloating and others. And I had to stop my Tabex therapy. Maybe a good measure, al… [read the entire review]

zibi1264 the Tabex

Hey I got it today, b. I want to quit this addiction, keep your fists. I greet the persistent and more.

Dana55 the Tabex

Side effects, tj. very real dreams, sometimes very strange, sometimes they come under nightmares, but it is bearable. In addition, after a week you start getting used to your body and when you forget about the pill, the headache in the forehead area will be effective.… [read the entire review]

thisconduct the Tabex

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Opis leku Tabex

Tabex to preparat, to help us quit smoking. Unlike the more popular means, does not contain nicotine.

Tabex contains the oldest known agent supporting us in the fight against smoking, cytisine. It occurs naturally, for example in Poland, in a certain shrub (Broom broom). The effectiveness of cytisine, and through this tabexu has been proven – We found, that increases 12 monthly abstinence from tobacco over 3 times compared to placebo.

Be careful when using tabex, because this drug is a toxic substance, although in small doses it is mainly therapeutic. Occasionally they may occur side effects such as: vomiting, nausea, headaches and heart.

Where can you buy Tabex?

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Tabex ingredients and action

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Tabex is used in an accident: Smoking,
The main ingredients of Tabex are: Cytysinum ,

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164 Replies to “Tabex”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The bow is still unreachable Tabex ordered over the Internet so. I was not expecting miracles because it's not the first throwing addiction :/ and surprise surprise after just one tablet. the taste of cigarettes has changed dramatically!! like a burning rubber or plastic:/ bleeee
    Smoked every day about 25-30 pipes today TABEX (first day) only 7 :) so much that I have a terrible headache :The withdrawal symptom rather large dose of nicotine than a side effect tabexu. Tomorrow I will take longer just 4 tabl. I stand on the eyelashes and not to light a single pipe can the pain go away, however,.
    Pipe threw the tablets. called ZYBAN- are chemically produced had all of the possible side effects and the like in 3 I slept 4 hours day suddenly it stopped taking zyban (child, school, Work = mass of duties so wills sleep min 6h a day;]) CHAMPIX jest dobrym lekiem można go brać dłużej niż zyban czy tabex, but it does not reduce nicotine withdrawal depression caused by flocks of many people fall into the really powerful depression. I attended a special meeting nikotynowcow and already know a lot about addiction and how to cast. I never had enough self-denial just like that to stop smoking, but with a pharmacological ( not with nicotine patches!) Somehow I can do the trick. I never feared the appearance of lung or other org. wew. smoker, but recently something I piknęło….so light that my baby watches and learns August …and what if I had run out of, I'm done with cancer?? do not want this end wants to have as much fun with my daughter and this is the impulse which decided to break up the habit definitively :)

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Biorę Tabex 2 day, far observed…:) In fact, you do not want to smoke so much, skutki uboczne po tych dwóch dniach to u mnie lekki ból głowy. Pale 12 year 1-1.5 packs a day. Keep your fingers crossed :D

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello! Smoked habitually 12 year. Nie palę już drugi tydzień z tabletkami tabex, I think of it is a lot easier to quit with Tabex-u recommend this drug.
    Greetings to all struggling with nicotine addiction, let the force be with you !!! :)

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello. I smoked cigarettes 13 year – a pack a day.
    Quitting seemed impossible.
    Initially used a sliced, I do not recommend that anyone.
    After the start of treatment and discontinuation of cigarette TABEX 2 Day to day I do not smoke – together 61 days. Were not with me any side effects. There was no desire for a cigarette. Uważam ze tabex jest jednym z najlepszych leków na rynku dla ludzi chcących pozbyć się nałogu. To permanently stop this course you may wish to.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Tabex używałam wcześniej i mi pomógł. Not smoked close 7 months. On its own stupidity I returned to smoking, After four months, I decided again to stop smoking; Again, I started to use Tabex; even then it was not so rosy. I used only 6 tablets – Unfortunately, I had to be discontinued. Miałam wymioty, dizziness, insomnia and other side effects. The fact is, Tabex that caused aversion to cigarettes. I do not smoke more than eleven months. Someone's proposed Champix. Not only, that it costs 350 zł it is not very effective, and also has the side effects after. Read, that some people have hallucinations and other side effects!

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I am in the third week of treatment already. I'm the type of passionate smoker, któremu palenie sprawia ogromną przyjemność i to tak od 40lat. It is slightly, but the other week I do not smoke. The problem for me, however, are the side effects. Zawroty głowy przypisuję odstawieniu nikotyny, because I felt like, threw the smoking without Tabexu, jednak strasznie dokuczały mi bóle serca, the more, I have problems with it. I had the drug discontinued, but to hold and hope, the stand :)!

  7. I would definitely recommend to anyone, kto chce spróbować rzucić palenie. I initially started taking and I have not found any effect. For the first 3 I smoked the same day as previously smoked. 4 I noticed on, I no longer have the desire to smoke as often, putting out in the middle of. After a week, put down completely. Smoked more than a pack a day, often got up in the night to light. I've tried all the patches available in the market, pellets, gum and nothing. During the first days of use I thought Tabexu, it was a great lime and wywalona money down the drain, but the efficiency was only noticeable after a few days of use.