

Bupropion, agent used to treat depression are also effective in supporting smoking cessation.

After 7 weeks of bupropion treatment 27% people taking bupropion claimed, inflammation that desire is a problem, when, while among those taking placebo, the figure was 56%

Available in Poland formulation designed to support the treatment of nicotine addiction comprising bupropion is Zyban. Taking Zyban during abstinence significantly reduces weight gain, often associated with smoking cessation.
To buy Zyban prescription needed. Side effects drug, that can be expected mainly insomnia and dry mouth. Also says a lot about the fact that Zyban can cause seizures, However, at the doses used in smokers who want to get rid of the addiction such probability is about 0,1%.


The active substance, which includes Nicorette is nicotine. Nicotine treatment for this is given in the form of gum, slices, inhaler, or lozenges. Addiction to tobacco cigarette smoking is otherwise known as. This is a very strong dependence – smoking cessation, is associated with withdrawal symptoms. There may be: irritability, anxiety, headaches and insomnia. Nicorette is to weaken these symptoms. Nicorette advantage is the lack of tar, and pollution, from which the cigarettes are not available.


Drugs NiQuitin series are called nicotine replacement therapy. Slices, pastilles and lozenges contain, nicotine as the active substance, which is designed to help a smoker quit smoking. In theory, that's what should happen, because nicotine is the substance that, that causes addiction to cigarettes.


Tabex to preparat, to help us quit smoking. Unlike the more popular means, does not contain nicotine.

Tabex contains the oldest known agent supporting us in the fight against nicotinism, cytisine. It occurs naturally, for example in Poland, in a certain shrub (Broom broom). The effectiveness of cytisine, and through this tabexu has been proven – We found, that increases 12 monthly abstinence from tobacco over 3 times compared to placebo.

Be careful when using tabex, because this drug is a toxic substance, although in small doses it is mainly therapeutic. Occasionally they may occur side effects such as: vomiting, nausea, headaches and heart.