

If you are prescribed Xartan you certainly have high blood pressure. It is an old drug, but that's his positive side: is known and proven. The use of it by doctors for years indirectly proves its effectiveness and safety. In fact, xartan does more than just lower blood pressure, but it will greatly reduce the risk of disease caused by them. Our the drug begins its full effect at 3 do 6 weeks after starting its application. Users of the drug were certainly pleased that the drug also has a positive effect on changes in mitochondria resulting from age.

The relative safety of xartan does not, however, that it is completely devoid of negative side effects. They mainly concern diabetics.

Be careful! If you are a woman and there is a chance that you are pregnant, stop taking the drug as soon as possible, as possible! Also go to the doctor right away.


Especially for the most important for us to add the drug users.
So far, there is no description available but will be soon… :)


The main treatment against the formation of blood clots is Warfin. Struggling with thrombosis, the drug first reduces the risk of a heart attack, and secondly, it reduces the risk of further negative consequences, in people with a history of myocardial infarction.
The popularity of the drug is closely related to its high efficiency (Drugs similar to him, with the same active substance, they have a strong position since 60 year). Warfin is definitely effective, but unfortunately its effective dose, automatically, it is also a dose that significantly increases the risk of bleeding. If, however, we take a safe dose, unfortunately it is too small to work.
The second problem with Warfin is its interactions with other drugs, but interactions with certain food groups are also problematic, here we have leaf vegetables, for example.


I have two years of Tritace interesting experience. I 58 year. For the first year I could not accuse him. Well my blood pressure regulated, I was taking a little, bo 5mg. In recent months, there was a problem again too high pressure, and the doctor upped me to 10mg Tritace. Then I started to hear ringing in your ears. Now the question: Is Tritace resulted in a call, or simply a consequence of the pressure was. This is one side effect.
The second foul resulted in involuntary muscle contractions. I learned from the Internet, it may be an effect of an increase in dose. Tritace not stop, however, take, I think, it was too good medicine to so quickly abandon it. For now, I download magnesium supplements, because it must cope with contractions. If you do not help, I choose it for consultation and can then think about some changes.





Daneb (Nebicon)