
Find out more about the drug Escitil:

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Escitil rating

If the usual information in the Escitil leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out true stories about Escitil and expert opinions

Our users rated Escitil for the average grade 6.8/10 based on 58 comments posted on
The latest stories about Escitil
improves mood, but after a long time the bones hurt, increased foot sweating and body sweating ..

it the Escitil

Hejka, i take escitil over 2 week. After a few days, a huge improvement!!! Feeling dizzy at first and sometimes, that's even worse, but it passed quickly. I feel great. It's not perfect, because I am aware of what was pr… [read the entire review]

But the Escitil

Hello, It was the first drug I started taking, I was informed, that I might feel worse for the first two- three weeks, however, it was not. After two days, I could already feel the difference, I felt calmer, Now I take… [read the entire review]

May the Escitil

Hello, I took escitalopram for a year and a half, helped me a lot though, that you should also add something from yourself in the fight against mood disorders, diet, sport, relax itp. withdrawal didn't hurt, but you have to do it gradually, watching your self… [read the entire review]

And the Escitil

I have been taking the drug for over two weeks. After the first five days, I felt an improvement. Feeling better :) The heart doesn't beat so hard anymore, as before taking the drug. I am calmer and my mood is back :D … Jedynie gorzej mi się [read the entire review]

1985 the Escitil

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Description of the drug Escitil

Escitil is one of the lesser-known alternatives to lexapro on the Polish market. Is a generic medicine, having in its composition escitalopram. Just like the original Escitil it is also an antidepressant, which is representative of SSRIs. The drug requires the patient above all patience – belong to the few cases, escitalopram which began its proper operation in less than two weeks. Escitil should be recommended to people, with depression or neurosis tired. Usually, however, is not the first escitalopram drug, that the patient is prescribed. It appears, that psychiatrists do not fully trust the fairly new drug and will prescribe medications more familiar. Probably in mind is the safety of patients, although studies have shown, that side effects hardly different from the side effects caused by other SSRIs. There may be sexual dysfunction, trouble sleeping at night, sometimes nausea. Element, that stands out Escitil among other drugs like it is this, not shown, to cause weight gain during the treatment.

Where can you buy Escitil?

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Escitil ingredients and action

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Escitil is used in an accident: In Depression,

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58 Replies to “Escitil”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    improves mood, but after a long time the bones hurt, increased foot sweating and body sweating ..

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hejka, i take escitil over 2 week. After a few days, a huge improvement!!! Feeling dizzy at first and sometimes, that's even worse, but it passed quickly. I feel great. It's not perfect, because I know what happened before and I'm afraid, that it will come back. But with each pill it gets better. I, after a month it will be ok! I recommend.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello, It was the first drug I started taking, I was informed, that I might feel worse for the first two- three weeks, however, it was not. After two days, I could already feel the difference, I felt calmer, now I take over two weeks and feel, that I could function normally :) I realize, I need to continue treatment, because the anxiety will come back. I am very satisfied and much happier… I didn't feel any side effects, no nausea, I am sleeping much better and have been able to get off the sleeping pills. I feel, that the sun shines for me too :) I recommend.

  4. Hello, I took escitalopram for a year and a half, helped me a lot though, that you should also add something from yourself in the fight against mood disorders, diet, sport, relax itp. withdrawal didn't hurt, but you have to do it gradually, watching your well-being. I'm clean today, healthy and stronger, prophylactically, I take 5htp from time to time and take care of myself.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I have been taking the drug for over two weeks. After the first five days, I felt an improvement. Feeling better :) The heart doesn't beat so hard anymore, as before taking the drug. I am calmer and my mood is back :D … I only sleep worse. Dreams are very intense and vivid. I wake up during the night and have difficulty falling back to sleep ;( And you have to go to work…
    It is the first depressant drug, which I started taking, and I had concerns? I recommend.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I've been taking it for a month, it helped me, I feel fine and the neurotic symptoms have disappeared, I was treated with pramolan earlier, only after this drug escitil I feel that I am coming back to health