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Asentra rating

If the simple information in the Asentra leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the true stories of Asentra and expert opinions

Our users rated Asentra for the average grade 6/10 based on 91 comments posted on
Latest stories about Asentra
I used it for anxiety and depression. It caused improvement, but 2 months of use. I was 100 mg per day, after one year 50 mg. Initially, it heightened my anxiety even more, not being able to catch your breath, palpitations…. [read the entire review]

adam the Asentra

I used to take it for depression and social phobias. The drug was causing me diarrhea, lack of appetite and dry mouth. During the first days of taking my medication worsened, however, after a short time they stopped and I began to feel better. Nabr… [read the entire review]

Marla the Asentra

I've been taking asentre for quite intense obsessive-compulsive disorder and social phobias (by the way also slight depressions). One of the better drugs in my opinion. He healed me and now I have to take them occasionally when I am having a bad day or not. One… [read the entire review]

mrlembada the Asentra

I have been taking an assistant for over two years. I am currently gradually stepping down from the dose and intend to quit the drug later this month. Basically, I highly recommend it. I do not recall, so that I have some side effects at the beginning of use. He tried… [read the entire review]

Iza the Asentra

I got the Asentre from a neurologist, to calm down, Chill out, not to stress everyone, generally improving your mood. After a month of using it, I do not see any improvement yet, but the side effects are distressing. The worst of the back pain is terrible!! … [read the entire review]

Mila the Asentra

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Description of Asentra

Leak Asentra contains sertraline. This is the substance of SSRIs. From other drugs of this group differs Sertraline lifting at higher doses also dopamine. Above all, however, affect the serotonin. In addition, it is important antidepressant action potent anxiolytic drug. While also used in the treatment of social phobia, is in this case a very efficient. The drug does not cause weight gain, users are often treated as an advantage.

Where can Asentra be purchased?

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Asentra ingredients and action

Find out about the composition of Asentra and its use in ailments
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Asentra is used in an accident: In Depression, For anxiety, For sexual problems, Prescription,
The main ingredients of Asentra are: Sertraline ,

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91 Replies to “Asentra”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    brałem na ostry lęk muszę iść do lekarza aby znów dała asertin póki co biorę oxazepam

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I use almost Asentrę 10 year. Pause sets doctor. For me, this is a super drug. Council on my part to begin to take this medicine- patience. Asentra zaczyna działaś po ok. 6 weeks, it is a slow withdrawal. Side effects? In my case, at the beginning of dry mouth. Others did not have and do not have.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    From the beginning I knew, that is to me something wrong. Specialists from different mental health issues are explained, but most do not deal with doing, obwiniali za to okres dojrzewania, hormones, ill-breeding… From the very beginning of my in this world, who not long ago passed into history, he revealed qualities such as shyness, social phobia, lęki do ludzi. You can write, that just scared to leave home, look in the mirror, experiencing terrible new school, where I could not find in the classroom, I did not have anyone, who saw the world in my dashes. I was delighted to hear, I have found a new psychiatrist, who immediately called my depression disorder. At the beginning of therapy, I disagreed on any medication, but claimed, it will be just a little help. Kiedy zaczęłam brać ASENTRE miewałam bóle głowy, weakness, somnolence, but over time I started to get back to everyday life. Even agreed to go back to school. Fears are gone, among men behaved as sufficient, I could even go home alone, Now easily traverse the mall, I use tramwaji, underground’ów, I can easily order lunch in Mc'Donaldzie. As I stated fears have probably gone, I still have not been so terrible attacks of depression. Maybe even falling into narcissism. There is another side of the coin; despite these positive effects, the higher dose and gradually my condition worsened slightly, I lost all feeling, I went from being in love, and this love reaches the ears and have simply ceased to exist, I do not feel joy or sadness, happiness or anger, I can not cry or to laugh, Although I try not to go hard, I do not care to have anything and before I could get into furies, when I got the number one Test, Now I do not care, I have less and less of words, I can not praise, I can not wear my thoughts into words and even more so in view!!! I do not have style, I do not feel any climate, mood. Help. I lost my powers such as telepathy; just my soul is excluded, I lost it in myself and I can not find it, I do not have it already, people are talking, I am the living dead!!! In the morning I can not move out of bed, I do not have the strength to run, jumping. I'm not a school prymuską struggled to advance to the second class, I lack the intelligence and wisdom! A shyness was, only !only! my attitude towards it has changed. So, no treatment which would produce such effects, think; I also do not trust, Maybe it's my psyche, I am a strange man! :) A MI tells TABLET THAT THIS INCLUDES ONLY ONE COMPONENT THAT will find CZEKOLADIE, ONLY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Forgive! I wrote more, but no words. I'm all tangled, I'm a mess, I wrote as I am not able to think on paper and even more here………. Thank you for your attention!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    This drug has destroyed my life . when 1,5 take months to come to the state do not feel any emotion and suffering . I can not do anything.

  5. I took asentrę 2 months. The cause was a betrayal of his wife. I left, I could not sleep or work. When 2 – 3 weeks of use I started to feel a significant improvement. Interesting, she did not feel any side effects. I stopped taking the drug, because after 2 months, the problem has ceased to be a problem and until now almost do not think about this event. I, it was, but it is indifferent to me. Ot, life…

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hi :)
    Asentrę I took a year ago for a year. That tiki. Initially pissed, tics are exacerbated because as I did not take the morning dose determined, (I had taken only in the morning). The doctor wondered if they really assign me this drug, because I do not have 18-hundred years. Earlier I took haloperidol in the drops and did not help, rewritten so I Asentrę. The drug really helped me, although I had at the end of the treatment to help Hydroxyzine. Anyway, tics and has helped me relate to ;)