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Zineryt rating

If the usual information from the Zineryt leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the real stories about Zineryt and expert opinions

Our users rated Zineryt for the average grade 6.2/10 based on 13 comments posted on
Latest Zineryt Stories
The miracle drug really helps very quickly, it is very effective and I recommend it to everyone who has quite large imperfections on the face or back ;)

Wixa25 the Zineryt

not super lek, but unfortunately the side effects are there, so you have to remember about an additional cream or ointment. I used sevolium, this is an acne cream and it actually moisturized me, but at the same time he did not, that the skin was glowing … [read the entire review]

Mania the Zineryt

And is it possible to use zinerite during pregnancy???

many the Zineryt

Best medicine! My lady dermatologist for the zinera, she told me to use Cetapil- moisturizing cream. The effect is electrifying- a few days of using the cream and lotion brought a lot, positive changes on the skin. RECOMMEND.

miszelsporty@wp.pl the Zineryt

It is a mistake to use only on acne lesions, Zineryt should be applied to the entire face,
As for me, helped, only my face was very dry during the treatment :( it looked terrible :(
teraz dermatolog przepisa[read the entire review]

aBC. to the cherry the Zineryt

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Description of the drug Zineryt

Zineryt it is used to treat acne vulgaris. It contains an antibiotic called Erythromycin

Where can Zineryt be purchased?

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Ingredients and operation zinerite

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Zineryt is used in an accident: In Acne, See More,

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13 Replies to “Zineryt”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The miracle drug really helps very quickly, it is very effective and I recommend it to everyone who has quite large imperfections on the face or back ;)

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    not super lek, but unfortunately the side effects are there, so you have to remember about an additional cream or ointment. I used sevolium, this is an acne cream and it actually moisturized me, but at the same time he did not, that the skin was glowing
    You have to be patient, because the effects only appear after a few months, but it is worth.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Best medicine! My lady dermatologist for the zinera, she told me to use Cetapil- moisturizing cream. The effect is electrifying- a few days of using the cream and lotion brought a lot, positive changes on the skin. RECOMMEND.