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Sulpiride rating

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Our users rated Sulpiride for the average grade 6.7/10 based on 124 comments posted on
Latest Sulpirid Stories
I suffer from gastric neurosis, I was taking pramolan before, but he made me sleepy, the doctor changed my medication to sulpiride, and does not actually fall asleep, the stomach aches are gone, but I'm worried that my mood is low, and according to that, what others write, m… [read the entire review]

Eric the Sulpiride

Hello, I take a dose 600 mg of 3 months so far nothing helps me to foggy zero side effects slight effect, best regards

Gregor the Sulpiride

I'm taking sulpiride for breeding depression, this is now my second attempt. The first time I only took the lowest dose for a month (50mg Rano, on empty stomach). I put it down, for he did not work miracles, and I was very scared … [read the entire review]

Dominik the Sulpiride

What drug did you switch to

Agnes the Sulpiride

Remember, that Sulpiride is very poorly absorbed with food. It should be taken at least 1 one hour before a meal and at least 2 hours after a meal. I assume 2×200 mg on an empty stomach after waking up, and I only eat breakfast 1,5 h dust… [read the entire review]

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Opis leku Sulpiryd

Sulpiride belongs to the atypical antipsychotic drugs. In spite of belonging to the group, is used primarily, as a drug activating. It is effective for long-term mild depression, at which the most popular groups of drugs can not cope. A distinction must be made between action Sulpirideu in low doses (up to 200mg per day), of the drug in doses much larger. Small doses cause, that the drug is primarily dopamine autoreceptor antagonist, So in fact, causes more dopamine production and ejection. In large doses (above 600mg) Sulpiride is an antagonist of dopamine receptors and it is then that it exhibits an antipsychotic effect useful in the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.

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Sulpiride ingredients and action

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Sulpiride is used in an accident: In Depression, Na schizophrenia,

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124 Replies to “Sulpiride”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I suffer from gastric neurosis, I was taking pramolan before, but he made me sleepy, the doctor changed my medication to sulpiride, and does not actually fall asleep, the stomach aches are gone, but I'm worried that my mood is low, and according to that, what others write was even going to correct it..if it is to blame prolactin from allegedly increases? I would not like to give it up, I hope that a better mood will come, because when it comes to gastro it is so much better ;)
    If someone had a similar answer, I would like to hear from you

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello, I take a dose 600 mg of 3 months so far nothing helps me to foggy zero side effects slight effect, best regards

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I'm taking sulpiride for breeding depression, this is now my second attempt. The first time I only took the lowest dose for a month (50mg Rano, on empty stomach). I put it down, for he did not work miracles, and I was very afraid of the increase in prolactin and the gynecomastia associated with it.

    A difficult life situation forced me to take the second approach – commencement of medical studies. I was taking 100mg daily according to the schedule for several months 1-1-0. The effects were – I felt better, calmer, the depressive thoughts subsided a little. Unfortunately, it lowered my libido a little and increased my appetite (despite my best efforts, I gained weight 4 kg). My acne also got worse, but I don't know if it is related to the use of sulpiride. I was taking it then by 4 months.

    But let's get down to business – I would like to warn you against this, what happened to me after stopping this drug. For the first 3 days i was hypomania, I was excited, talkative, great mood, lots of energy, bursts of laughter over and over again. Then I felt so terrible, as if something had broken inside me and my condition changed 180 degrees. Black thoughts struck with redoubled force. I was taking, I wanted to go to the emergency room, but I kept telling myself, that “it's just playing around with dopamine, will pass ” and waited. After a week, the severity of these unpleasant symptoms decreased slightly, but still felt a lot worse than before treatment and went back to the dose 50 mg per day. I plan to try quitting this drug soon, I will let you know what came out of it.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Remember, that Sulpiride is very poorly absorbed with food. It should be taken at least 1 one hour before a meal and at least 2 hours after a meal. I assume 2×200 mg on an empty stomach after waking up, and I only eat breakfast 1,5 h later. Another 200 I accept it 2,5 h after lunch and at least 1,5 h before dinner. At the time ( one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal, when I take this drug ) I do not eat anything- no candy, a piece of apple, etc.. small snacks, that the Sulpiride is absorbed as well as possible.
    Otherwise, taking this drug is pointless. Even applying, what I wrote above Sulpiride is absorbed only in 24%, and by eating even the tiniest amounts of food at a time, when it is forbidden to eat it, taking this medicine further reduces the absorption of Sulpiride.