
Find out more about the drug Solian:

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Solian rating

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Our users rated Solian for the average grade 6.9/10 based on 33 comments posted on
The latest stories about Solian
Hello, I am interested in purchasing. please contact 662609445

Max the Solian

Solian makes you fat , lack of sleep , general irritability , anger , no action , no desire to do anything. The delusions and the voices are still there.

EVa the Solian

I will sell Aposuprid 400 mg (amisulpryd), this is the same as Solian, Amisan itp. I have several options. 30PLN/package.

or the Solian

By far the best drug I've ever taken.

shiz20.0 the Solian

Take the solian 200, there are no drugs like after 400, there is a ravenous appetite for the evening replacement for amisan, Good medicine, I took over 2 year 2 times 200, regards and patience, long road ahead.

piotr the Solian

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Description of the drug Solian

Solian is an atypical antipsychotic drug. It contains a amisulpiryd, which in many respects resembles another substance also used in psychiatry: sulpiride. Initially Solian was only treated, as a medicament, which should be used for schizophrenia. In large doses, that is, the excess of 500 mg is very useful in all kinds of psychosis, but in much smaller (of the 150 mg) Solian proved to be a very effective antidepressant. It has been shown, that is more effective than Prozac. The effectiveness of the drug is bound to the, small doses that it increases the amount of dopamine in the międzysynaptycznej. Measure, therefore refers to the stimulant, that the depression, especially the long-term are extremely effective. Patients also tend to appreciate the fact, amisulpiride that it is much faster than standard antidepressants, and more strongly than they affect motivation, and the patient's energy. Solian however, it can cause side effects. Belong to a more dangerous arrhythmia. Amiisulpiryd often increases the level of prolactin, So much for women increases the chances of galactorrhea.

Where can you buy Solian?

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Solian ingredients and action

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Solian is used in an accident: Na schizophrenia,
The main ingredients of Solian are: Amisulpride ,

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33 Replies to “Solian”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I slept the day after zolafrenie, I slept on the fluanxolu, solian biorę 3 weeks and a day is okay or not sleep and I'm active, mały to okres próby bo zolafren brałem 4 years, and flu and a half years but predicts well, solian take with schizophrenia kwetapleksem (100/400 – morning, evening) how it will continue and I will add the much read it would be very nice and a nod to doctors :)

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Worst drug. After this medicine makes me want to sleep. This medicine is probably for someone, kto ma ADHD. This drug costs 150 zł, not worth buying the drug and the drug wasting money. Solian ma bardzo gorzki smak i żeby połknąć ten lek trzeba coś zjeść (not to feel the taste of tablets).

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    For me, this is what I fear the worst so far. It is true that I suffer from short time, but this drug makes me the same negative effects. That is to say, when 400 mg after energizes me to such an extent, I can not control in any way. When part of me wants to sit, the other part wants to walk around. And so the 3 days of taking pills. In addition, after using the same, the same evening I got something like epilepsy. About an hour 20 do 22 I can not do anything, I'm hot and in addition all the shaking as if I was cold. At some point, you just fall asleep. I would not recommend this drug.

  4. This drug is as recommended in small doses for depression / dysthymia, but in my case it did not work at all. Zero feeling any action, as if wit. C swallow. Side effects (happily) also any. Injury.

  5. Solian jest, for me the best of medicines, what I was, nie powoduje zmęczenia ani niechęci tak bardzo jak rispolept, and especially TRILAFON. I'm still looking, however, the drug, after which I would feel good. I have paranoid schizophrenia, and although the medication “schizy” resolved not feel so good, constant fatigue, lack of desire, physical and intellectual fatigue. Od kilku dni biorę abilify, I hope, It would be even better.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Solian jest niezły. This is the only cure for schizophrenia, which resulted in my weight loss. I'm not too sleepy after, which also never happened with previous drugs. When I took it the first time I felt nothing, But the second day I had more energy. I take it only a week.

  7. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I received some time on my sick ride. My diagnosis is schizophrenia. At the beginning of the treatment I got mania, that was nice, completely unexpected escape from my boring life. Then I went mania, but, however, the treatment was effective, because so far none of the strange thoughts or hallucinations did not return. I know what I do not what to talk of other drugs to patients, and I think that is the best Sollian drug for schizophrenia.