
Bisocard is a key cardiological preparation belonging to the group of beta blockers. its component, to which we owe the action is bisoprolol.
Bisocard zalecany jest przy nadciśnieniu, and in the prevention of heart attacks. Mainly after a heart attack, reduce the chances of its recurrence. It is prescribed equally often in ischemic heart disease (decreased blood flow to this organ). Myocardial activity decreases after administration of bisocard, thus even blood flow limited by ischemic disease, and with it oxygen, and nutrients, it's enough.
For high blood pressure, doctors are more likely to choose bisocard than another beta blocker, which is propanolol. This is due to the stronger blood pressure lowering effect of the former.
A drug so strong, but still as effective as bisocard is not without side effects. We may feel a slowing of the heart rate, weakness, feeling cold and numbness of the fingertips. Some patients experience headaches, and also drowsiness.


