

Vitasteron to kolejny lek z grupy leków przeznaczonych dla mężczyzn chcących poprawić swoje życie seksualne. Jest to suplement diety, który pomaga a nie leczy przyczyn zmniejszających popęd seksualny. Wspomaga prawidłową pracę dróg moczowych i prostatę. Zwiększa libido przyjmującej osoby


Yohimbine is both a stimulant and aphrodisiac. Its effectiveness in the fight against impotence has been proven in scientific studies. More questionable is the effect of yohimbine on libido.
Another use of yohimbine is to help weight loss. Yohimbine accelerates metabolism, and helps to burn fat. It works much better than caffeine.
Yohimbine used by some people is, as an adjunct to treatment with SSRI antidepressants. Not only enhances the effect of antidepressant drugs, but also helps to get rid of the negative sexual side effects of these drugs.
Side effects are common with the use of yohimbine. Their chance of occurrence increases with dose adopted. We can expect an accelerated heart rate, feelings of nervousness, arousal, sweating and elevated blood pressure.


Vialafil is renowned preparation, competing with agents such as viagra. What may be surprising to many Vialafil is not only preparation for the fight against impotence. It improves the whole sex life, influencing both the strengthening of sex drive, and intensity of orgasms. Vialafil is the center of a rich natural composition dwunastoskładnikowym. One of the most important components is Yohimbine and Muira Puama root called potency. Manufacturers point out, however, confirmed the safety of large long-term experience, a particular R.
In Poland Vialafil is not very popular. Manufacturer of geared primarily for the American market USA. An interesting fact is, vialafil that sponsors one of the teams racing series NASCAR.


New product on the market, which is intended to help men maintain erections. The package contains: 2 tablets, that need to be figured out and thrown- this form of administration can be very practical.

The active substance of Inventum is sildenafil citrate, a 1 the tablet contains 25mg of sildenafil.

Inventum is advertised as a therapeutic agent, but sexual stimulation and a state of arousal are necessary, for sildenafil to bring the expected results.

It is recommended to use an initial dose of 50 mg/24h. You should take the medicine at least for 60 minutes before sexual activity.


Stymen is a dietary supplement to assist men with potency problems. Unfortunately I can not say anything more details about this product as the manufacturer and distributor Stymen not available on their website too much information.
Composition Stymenu closes only one component that is to say. 10mg prasteronum (prasteronu).
According to the manufacturer Aflofarm shows that the active ingredient prasteronym increases testosterone levels.


Candy, Permen King to suplement diety, another in a series of sexual life improve him, the. How wile other products is taking a regular supplement to and not only before sexual intercourse. Permen contains natural ingredients which can be advantages for those wishing to take only a slight suplenty diet and fearful of active substances interact with other medications or supplements.
Operation Permen, by manufacturer, visible at approximately 6 weeks of. Permen dosage is at least 2 tablets a day.


MAXIGRA called Polish viagra. In fact, it contains exactly the same ingredient, co viagra, or Sildenafil. There is, So a generic medicine, which are usually much cheaper than original drugs. MAXIGRA is a drug used to fight impotence, but it should not be continued by a, concerned with the serious problems of the cardiovascular system.

More about the active ingredient Sildenafil Maxigry


Super Beman to suplement diety, which is to help achieve satisfactory results in the sexual life of men. It's about proearat containing subtancje such as: Bacopa monnieri extract and Octacosano extract. According to the manufacturer of the drug, it affects the blood supply to the pelvic organs- genital. It also stimulates the areas of the brain responsible for sex drive. It is an alternative to drugs such as MAXIGRA, Viagra czy Vialafil.


MenMag is a drug in the form of tablets. Megman is a dietary supplement that supplements the diet with magnesium. According to the manufacturer, it is a dietary measure aimed primarily at men.

The composition includes standard magnesium and vitamin B6. MenMag is the middle ground, which enriches the diet with magnesium and vitamin B6.