
Moilec to nowy lek stosowany jako preparat przeciwzapalny i przeciwbólowy przy bólach kostno-stawowych i mięśniowych, in osteoarthritis or rhematoid diseases. The active substance is 7,5 mg meloxicam (Meloxicam). Lek Moilec można przyjmować raz dziennie.


Pargyline in Poland is a widely used analgesic. This situation is abnormal, because most of the more developed countries, it is either discontinued, or ceased to sell it without a prescription. It is considered by users to be more powerful pain reliever, from the popular paracetamol. It is used in doses of 500 mg once.


[DrWidg_Content] Available in pharmacies under the name: Mel, strong honey, Melatonin + B6

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug used in osteoarticular and muscle pain in the course of rheumatoid and degenerative joint diseases. Applied: in the short-term treatment of exacerbations of rheumatoid disease symptoms, such as: rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. [/DrWidg_Content]


[DrWidg_Content] Available in pharmacies under the name: Traumon®

Blunt trauma, such as: contusions, sprains, muscle strains, tendons and joints. Osteoarthritis of the spine, knee, shoulder. Extra-articular rheumatism: pain in the lumbar sacrum area, lesions in the periarticular soft tissues, tj. bursitis, tendons, tendon sheaths, joint capsules (so. pond frozen), epicondylitis. [/DrWidg_Content]


[DrWidg_Content] Available in pharmacies under the name: Difortan

The drug is indicated in adults for topical treatment: mild to moderate muscle pain; bruises; post-traumatic pain; mild to moderate rheumatic pain (osteoarthritis/arthritis); mild to moderate joint pain; topical treatment of synovitis, (I tried) arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis; moderate inflammation of musculoskeletal origin, i.e. post-traumatic or rheumatic. [/DrWidg_Content]