
Find out more about the Remifemin drug:

Welcome to the website, where you will find not only information from the drug leaflet, but also you will get to know real stories and experts' opinions about Remifemin. Reliable opinions experts, patient histories with information about alternative replacements together with prices and reimbursement by the National Health Fund we present you would be / was aware at the time of their purchase. Get to know the side effects of Remifemin and better verify drug ads and see if it's that good, and maybe there are better substitutes. We always appreciate your feedback, so please help us develop this website and leave your comment about the drug for others.

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Rating Remifemin

If the simple information in the Remifemin leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Remifemin and expert opinions

Our users rated Remifemin for the average grade 5.7/10 based on 35 comments posted on
The latest stories about Remifemin
I've only been taking the drug for a week , I feel, that the blows are there, but they are lighter, see, what's next on the leaflet, that after 2 weeks, the effects will be seen, may, because I'm sick of it all. In one hour I even have 4 uderz… [read the entire review]

ula, I've only been taking the drug for a week , I have an impression that the impacts are there but they are lighter ,we'll see what's next on the leaflet after 2 weeks ,the results will be visible, because I already have enough of it all . in one hour I even have 4 strokes ….cite the Remifemin

I'll take over 3 year. No side effects, sleep pretty good, hot flushes once or twice a day late in the evening or at night and I don't always or I just don't wake up. It became calmer at home.
For me, Remifemin is a reve… [read the entire review]

Milens the Remifemin

He writes in the flyer, that you can take six months without consulting a doctor.
Does it mean, that you can no longer take, because there are some side effects.

Lidka the Remifemin

I have been taking remifemin tablets since May, started working after approx 2 no hot flashes for weeks and most importantly she disappeared under sweating, which disturbed me a lot, I have no side effects, a revelation to me.

but the Remifemin

After trying a few medications, I finally found the right one. I take it from 6 months and I can certainly recommend it, all ailments are gone, and most of all the night ones and I finally started to get enough sleep, and no hit on that… [read the entire review]

Blue the Remifemin

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Opis place Remifemin

Remifemin is a new preparation for women, who want to protect themselves from the troublesome effects of menopause, climacteric. It is a product of natural composition, which according to the manufacturer does not include in its composition of artificial hormones or hormone equivalents often used in menopause treatments. It can be used by women, who can not or do not want to use hormone-based treatment. The preparation can therefore be used by a wide range of women with problems of mature age

Where can you buy Remifemin?

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Remifemin ingredients and action

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Remifemin is used in an accident: For Women,

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35 Replies to “Remifemin”

  1. stosuję Remifemin od 2 year ,dwa razy odczułam uderzenia gorąca, od tygodnia biorę 2 times a day, przedtem tylko raz, I recommend

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Według zaleceń ginekologa: stosowałam przez 6 m-cy, ustąpiły bóle mięśniowe i powróciły- po przerwaniu kuracji.
    I have a question: jak długo można stosować ten lek?

  3. Jestem po raku macicy po chemioterapii, niestety mam menopauzę. Używam tego leku od miesięcy i jest REWELACYJNY-POLECAM!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Stosuję od miesiąca, po tygodniu uderzenia gorąca pojawiały się coraz rzadziej, kiedy przerywam kurację po dwóch dniach staję się nerwowa a uderzenia stopniowo powracają. Obecnie kupiłam duże opakowanie i zamierzam zażywać jak najdłużej, w miarę potrzeb. Kiedyś przecież uderzenia gorąca przejdą.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Biorę ten preparat od sześciu tygodni a dziś jest trzeci dzień bez uciążliwych objawów klimakterium. Super, I'm happy.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Okropne samopoczuciezmęczenie i zawroty głowy, shortness of breath – I do not recommend, powinno się go zakazać używać