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Rating Perazin

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Our users rated Perazin for the average grade 5.7/10 based on 52 comments posted on
The latest stories about Perazin
I do not recommend. After a few days of taking 2 x 25 mg at night I started to feel dry mouth, and after a light effort it felt as if it was coming from my mouth, all the fluids evaporated from the tongue and mucous membranes.

Vjdrj the Perazin

Lobby, or even the pharmaceutical mafia; he gets unimaginable sums from the sale of all filth.
So please put stories about the amazing effects of pharmacotherapy between fairy tales, mainly in disorders and in mental illnesses. To… [read the entire review]

Marcin the Perazin

Very good! After about 2 months in combination with ketrel and nexpram 10 significant improvement, possibility of independent existence, and after about another 2 I realized, that I live a completely normal life, apart from medications :)

Magda the Perazin

I take 100 mg noc, sleeping average, I wake up a few times during the night and wake up every day at 6 morning, and I go to bed at 1 am, so I sleep little, I don't think this drug works for me. Besides, I gained weight 10 kg.

schizo the Perazin

they serve

the car the Perazin

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Office at Perazin

Perazin contains perazine dimaleate as the active ingredient, which belongs to a wide group of neuroleptics. A moderate sedative and antipsychotic action. Although there are many newer and safer drugs (with less side-effects) perazine in Poland is still popular in the treatment of schizophrenia. Side effects in the form of weight gain and decrease symptoms of vital energy, often discourage patients to continue therapy.

Where can you buy Perazin?

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Perazin ingredients and action

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Perazin is used in an accident: Na schizophrenia, See More,

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52 Replies to “Perazin”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I do not recommend. After a few days of taking 2 x 25 mg at night I started to feel dry mouth, and after a light effort it felt as if it was coming from my mouth, all the fluids evaporated from the tongue and mucous membranes.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Lobby, or even the pharmaceutical mafia; he gets unimaginable sums from the sale of all filth.
    So please put stories about the amazing effects of pharmacotherapy between fairy tales, mainly in disorders and in mental illnesses. It is even more destructive to the brain than without “salutary” OLANZAPPES, IF “BRILLIANT”. HALOPERIDOLU, after which a man turns into a passive moron, nervously shuffling in place, or being a victim of various dyskinesias and all “departures” unknown even to the apologists who ordered these poisons to bombard them with all kinds of synthetic powders.
    About deaths and other drastic cases of the use of any synthetic psychotropic substances; the public is simply not informed. Too much money is an option. In sum: The quackery producing this crap
    usually does not know and does not want to know the CNS DESTRUCTION OF THESE TOXIC SUBSTANCES! So the myth of ashes acting on a given neurotransmitter- it is just a lie and very dangerous” driving without a handlebars”.
    Please keep in mind; they are not bombarded with synthetic fools. You are simply their victims.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Very good! After about 2 months in combination with ketrel and nexpram 10 significant improvement, possibility of independent existence, and after about another 2 I realized, that I live a completely normal life, apart from medications :)

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I take 100 mg noc, sleeping average, I wake up a few times during the night and wake up every day at 6 morning, and I go to bed at 1 am, so I sleep little, I don't think this drug works for me. Besides, I gained weight 10 kg.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I take only a week (2 x 25 mg) and I am delighted, depression flew away somewhere, I have energy and ideas. Positive Thinking, just a slight murmur in the head, like a beer.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    It only bursts the psyche after putting the medicine down, 2 years later my psyche improved…

  7. This drug is not so bad, compared to other neuroleptics, after which I had acute neuroleptic syndrome, he did not cure my schizophrenia, but it reduces anxiety. Unfortunately, worsens depression and neurosis.