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Rating Mydocalm

If the usual information in the Mydocalm leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check the true stories about Mydocalm and expert opinions

Our users rated Mydocalm for the average grade 3.2/10 based on 16 comments posted on
The latest stories about Mydocalm
I took it for many years due to cerebral palsy. In occasional doses, it significantly reduces muscle tone, so hard, that from a barely sitting position I was almost on my feet for a few seconds. It is addictive with prolonged use. Recommends… [read the entire review]

You dont say the Mydocalm

Feeling very bad. Dizziness, weakness, intestinal cramps.
I was taking it for back pain and sciatica.

hana the Mydocalm

After taking Mydocalm Forte, I went to the emergency department with a strong allergic reaction. Very high blood pressure, shortness of breath, rash, cramps and abdominal pain. I've taken this drug before and had no problems. I will never take this drug again. … [read the entire review]

MAGDALENA the Mydocalm

I started taking it on Monday evening.
Wednesday afternoon I thought, that I will die, and will surely pass out.
It started with my stomach spinning and I got diarrhea that went on and on. Podbrzuszu dostałam tak silnego bólu jakbym mia[read the entire review]

OLA the Mydocalm

Pain in the lumbar region, very strong, radiating to the right leg, disappeared after two days of taking the drug. No noticeable side effects.

Peter the Mydocalm

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16 Replies to “Mydocalm”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    After taking Mydocalm Forte, I went to the emergency department with a strong allergic reaction. Very high blood pressure, shortness of breath, rash, cramps and abdominal pain. I've taken this drug before and had no problems. I will never take this drug again. Supposedly produced series can be “organize”.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I started taking it on Monday evening.
    Wednesday afternoon I thought, that I will die, and will surely pass out.
    It started with my stomach spinning and I got diarrhea that went on and on. I was in so much pain in my lower abdomen that I felt like I was on fire, who wants to tear me apart. I wanted to vomit. I was in cold sweats. I had a fever and felt like I was going to fall.
    I stopped taking this medicine and Olfen which I was also prescribed along with it.

  3. Pain in the lumbar region, very strong, radiating to the right leg, disappeared after two days of taking the drug. No noticeable side effects.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    After each dose of Mydocalm initially, for the first two days, I felt weak, I had a reduced ability to concentrate and frequent paraesthesia. Then came the sleep disturbances (insomnia despite severe fatigue), nightmares, Panic Attacks, stronger numbness and tremors in the arms and legs, inability to focus, shortness of breath and diarrhoea. I gave up after the fourth day, because side effects prevented me from performing my duties. I felt no change in my symptoms, that triggered treatment.

  5. The drug effective, but there are real side effects. You can't drive over it, dizziness, dullness and drowsiness. Also, I had diarrhea. I was given medicine for radiculitis.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I was suffering from very strong muscle pains in the back and stomach area, like a stiffener, the medicine helped me, I had no side effects.

  7. I got so much stomach pain and diarrhea, that lasted for 10 hours, I will never touch this drug again. I thought, I'm going to the emergency room, if I live…