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Evaluation of Azitrolek

If the usual information from the Azitrolek leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check the real stories about Azitrolek and expert opinions

Our users rated Azitrolek for the average grade 5.7/10 based on 22 comments posted on
The latest stories about Azitrolek
The doctor prescribed Azitrol for me for terrible sinusitis. I was at the limit of pain endurance. A day after taking the first pill, I felt an improvement, After second – my nightmare was a memory, and after the third pill after infection no b… [read the entire review]

Anna the Azitrolek

I definitely DO NOT RECOMMEND. Effective but causing a number of side effects. The doctor diagnosed me with bronchitis and prescribed this medicine for 3 days at a dose of 500 mg ( 2X daily 250mg ) . When 2 days the fever subsided and the dry cough subsided… [read the entire review]

Tends to the Azitrolek

Hello, mine was taking the medicine 4 summer daughter, which caused terrible abdominal pain and diarrhoea, complete lack of appetite lasting up to two weeks after the end of therapy and urticaria on the hands, which also persisted… [read the entire review]

Catherine the Azitrolek

Never on any antibiotics, which I was using, and I am a person prone to infections, my stomach did not hurt so much! Huge stomach cramps from the first tablet, I started taking antibiotics on Tuesday (I was prescribed 3 tablets) today… [read the entire review]

Natalia the Azitrolek

My doctor for sinusitis prescribed me this medicine (AZITROLEK500). She recommended taking it through 6 days after one (ALL) tablet PER DAY.
As for me, I think that's too much of a dose. Especially since I rarely had the opportunity to take an… [read the entire review]

Paulina the Azitrolek

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Description of the drug Azitrolek


I do not, about any other drug more mixed feelings, than what to Azitrolekyou. On the one hand, I am grateful, because he was able to cope with such a tooth infection( total tooth area), I even had concerns, that the infection will spread to the entire face and ear canals. Augmentin didn't help, and azitrol, yes, and quickly. This is one side of the coin.
The other side is dark. The drug must have messed up my digestive tract. I stopped taking it over a month ago, belly, I'm in a lot of pain every few days. It hurts a person, whose stomach had almost never hurt before. I have no doubt, that it hurts because of the medicine. I didn't have probiotics then, but I drank kefir, because I knew the danger. As it turned out, they weren't enough. I'm going for research soon.

Where can you buy Azitrolek?

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Azitrolek ingredients and action

Get to know the composition of Azitrolek and its use for ailments
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Azitrolek is used in an accident: Antibiotic, For infection, On Lichen, On a cold, For a cold, Prescription, For Inflammation, For pharyngitis, For tonsillitis, For bronchitis, For pneumonia, For pneumonia, Into the bays, Antimicrobial,
The main ingredients of Azitrolek are: Azithromycinum , Azithromycin ,

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22 Replies to “Azitrolek”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The doctor prescribed Azitrol for me for terrible sinusitis. I was at the limit of pain endurance. A day after taking the first pill, I felt an improvement, After second – my nightmare was a memory, and after the third tablet there was no trace of the infection. Throughout and after the treatment 5 I took Dicoflor protectively for days. I recommend it for sinus problems, because other antibiotics such as. augmentin were ineffective in my case.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I definitely DO NOT RECOMMEND. Effective but causing a number of side effects. The doctor diagnosed me with bronchitis and prescribed this medicine for 3 days at a dose of 500 mg ( 2X daily 250mg ) . When 2 After a few days, the fever dropped and the dry cough disappeared, but the horror began: terrible pain in the abdomen up to the solar plexus and radiating to the back, dizziness, tinnitus, even visual disturbances. I didn't sleep for 2 walnut, when I took the dose at night, I am weak
    ,dry mouth,lack of appetite or diarrhea are minor issues compared to how negatively this drug affects the patient's health. Opinion v 4 day of treatment.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello, mine was taking the medicine 4 summer daughter, which caused terrible abdominal pain and diarrhoea, complete lack of appetite lasting up to two weeks after the end of therapy and urticaria on the hands, which also lasted for over two weeks. I DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Never on any antibiotics, which I was using, and I am a person prone to infections, my stomach did not hurt so much! Huge stomach cramps from the first tablet, I started taking antibiotics on Tuesday (I was prescribed 3 tablets) today is saturday, and the contractions are still there. If only I knew “what do you sign up for?”, I would never take it. Of course, I took probiotics. I do not recommend.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    My doctor for sinusitis prescribed me this medicine (AZITROLEK500). She recommended taking it through 6 days after one (ALL) tablet PER DAY.
    As for me, I think that's too much of a dose. Especially since I had the opportunity to take antibiotics very rarely.
    In 1 day after 30 minutes later I felt lethargic and just drifted off to sleep 2 hours (which doesn't really happen to me). In the following days, my stomach started hurting, despite the protective cover 2 times a day.
    Day 4 was the worst. Diarrhea occurred, quite severe dizziness and abdominal pain again. Day 5 also stomach problems and nausea. In 6 I didn't decide to take this medicine for a day.
    The advantage was the relatively quick disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, but at the expense of side effects. I hope, that my belly will recover after some time.
    Perhaps my dosage was incorrectly determined by the doctor, where I was, hence all these symptoms.
    Overall rating: MEDIOCRE.