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Asentra rating

If the simple information in the Asentra leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the true stories of Asentra and expert opinions

Our users rated Asentra for the average grade 6/10 based on 91 comments posted on
Latest stories about Asentra
I used it for anxiety and depression. It caused improvement, but 2 months of use. I was 100 mg per day, after one year 50 mg. Initially, it heightened my anxiety even more, not being able to catch your breath, palpitations…. [read the entire review]

adam the Asentra

I used to take it for depression and social phobias. The drug was causing me diarrhea, lack of appetite and dry mouth. During the first days of taking my medication worsened, however, after a short time they stopped and I began to feel better. Nabr… [read the entire review]

Marla the Asentra

I've been taking asentre for quite intense obsessive-compulsive disorder and social phobias (by the way also slight depressions). One of the better drugs in my opinion. He healed me and now I have to take them occasionally when I am having a bad day or not. One… [read the entire review]

mrlembada the Asentra

I have been taking an assistant for over two years. I am currently gradually stepping down from the dose and intend to quit the drug later this month. Basically, I highly recommend it. I do not recall, so that I have some side effects at the beginning of use. He tried… [read the entire review]

Iza the Asentra

I got the Asentre from a neurologist, to calm down, Chill out, not to stress everyone, generally improving your mood. After a month of using it, I do not see any improvement yet, but the side effects are distressing. The worst of the back pain is terrible!! … [read the entire review]

Mila the Asentra

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Description of Asentra

Leak Asentra contains sertraline. This is the substance of SSRIs. From other drugs of this group differs Sertraline lifting at higher doses also dopamine. Above all, however, affect the serotonin. In addition, it is important antidepressant action potent anxiolytic drug. While also used in the treatment of social phobia, is in this case a very efficient. The drug does not cause weight gain, users are often treated as an advantage.

Where can Asentra be purchased?

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Asentra ingredients and action

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Asentra is used in an accident: In Depression, For anxiety, For sexual problems, Prescription,
The main ingredients of Asentra are: Sertraline ,

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91 Replies to “Asentra”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I feel great, fears are gone, ataki fobii, extra – I recommend

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    my experience with this drug started 2 years ago. I had severe depression, lęki przed ludźmi, I could not leave the house without my grandmother or mom. Colleagues at school made fun of me, and I could not bring myself to answer that contains more than two words. Before I came up with the answer any longer, they had already away laughing at me! I was terribly difficult to understand what is going on around, I could not cope with simple activities such as making sandwiches, mouse teeth or washing the plate. I was afraid to look in the mirror every time that face was different- ALIEN, scary!
    When I finally decided to tell the family took me to the doctor of psychiatry, like some outcast, Freak. And yet I am the former normal. I ASENTRE rewritten. initially rebelled, but in the end I gave to convince. At first, it seemed to me that it was a nightmare, I could not eat, sleep, drink or think straight. But after a while there are a good side of the coin. I began to feel peace of mind, the teasing stopped responding colleagues, I did not care, I was happy I was able to eat in public places you've never done before, and even made an appointment with Hansel ( my neighbor) for baking gingerbread for Christmas. However, after six months things started to go bad, I burst into a dam. the world began to be unbearable. Światło słoneczne zaczęło mnie razić w oczy, I did not want to leave the house for the day, and in the evenings and at night I have seen ghosts. Although the world around me stopped me at all celebrate and have stopped people's feelings, This is my inner world has developed. I received new powers from the spirits and the new I. I felt that if I wanted I could fly. I look someone in the eyes, I know what he thinks and feels. Once I felt such emotion and such deep ties to the realm of the paranormal. Now I know that I was selected and received a mission. My problems stemmed from a closed mind and not depressed. You can think that I'm insane but I will save the world. I would recommend a drug that opens the minds of the gods elect!

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Side effects, in my case, a slight upset stomach (zgaga) for the first three weeks. After about. month, taking the lowest dose severe panic attacks completely ceased, After three months, I did not even shortness of breath. Measure P. Anxiety 6+, but when it comes to the impact of the drive, mood, etc.. I can give strong 3.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I take one and a half month Asentrę, earlier 25 mg., now 50 mg. wcześniej z Abilify’em 15 mg. Doctors discovered two years ago in my schizotypal, Now the verification of the diagnosis is the combination of depressive-anxiety. Najbardziej oprócz nieustannego smutku dokuczają mi lęki. In addition to a whole bunch of things that annoy me, może to nerwica? I'm going to have to psychotherapy, a little to heal. Same drugs are handled nothing. The drug is good, I have a better mood, not Zamula, I do not feel lethargic, numb, may be a question of the transition to “lighter” leak. I wish all the more self-confidence and a speedy recovery. Cheers.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Asentrę take over 6 months. Prior to its use had strong symptoms of depression, nightmares, which did not allow me to sleep. Anxiety Attacks made it difficult for me to work, contacts with people. Severe, personal experiences have led me to this state: long cancer, which in my eyes, my mother terribly wyniszczała. I was with my dad and the problems of visually impaired, that seemed insurmountable: complex inheritance, closing years of the ongoing dispute with neighbors of the property, in which we lived, and whose legal status has not been settled, feeling of loneliness (adult son did not need me like they used to, separation from her husband, the beginnings of menopause). This medicine has restored my will to live, increased self-esteem, I recommend!

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello, biorę asentre od 2 week. By introducing the drug did not notice any side effects. By 3 the first few days I experienced a feeling of happiness and euphoria. For sure it was not a placebo effect, because I have some experience with antidepressant pills. Wcześniej próbowałam zażywać prozac, cital, escitalopram, Coax. Each of them turned out to be ineffective, only, I could count on an endless side effects. Currently, I feel better already, completely eliminated the fear and gave the inner relief, peace. Strength to fight for her life. I really recommend. Seek and you shall find, and believe, that you will succeed. Of course, it's just an addition to the simple output. The attitude of the treatment of depressive disorders is nerwicowo-therapy. I greet and wish you perseverance in rebuilding their minds.