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Rating Amlozek

If the usual information in the Amlozek leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Amlozek and expert opinions

Our users rated Amlozek for the average grade 5.3/10 based on 35 comments posted on
The latest stories about Amlozek
This drug raises my blood pressure instead of lowering it ,I'm like a swollen nervous systolic and diastolic increase, although the latter is always ok. at the same time, I'm calling metocard but it's not enough so amlozek was added and now it's terrible. I don't know what to do anymore… [read the entire review]

alfa the Amlozek

I have side effects in the form of swelling of the legs and the whole body.

Grazyna Stodulska the Amlozek

After four nights of sleepless nights due to an elevated heart rate, even 106 beats, giving up this drug.

janina the Amlozek

Amlozek led to latent tetany in me (it is a very serious disease manifesting itself: Fears, nervousness, insomnia, tingling and numbness of the extremities, calf cramps etc.
I advise against this one “leak”! From 4 months trying to bring… [read the entire review]

On the Amlozek

Amlozek led to latent tetany in me (it is a very serious disease manifesting itself : Fears, nervousness, insomnia, tingling and numbness of the extremities, calf cramps etc.
I advise against this one “leak” ! From 4 months trying to lead… [read the entire review]

On the Amlozek

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Description of the drug Amlozek

Amlozek is a medicine that contains the active substance amlodipine. Similarly, as another drug called nitrendipine belongs to a group of medicines, so. Brokers calcium channel. These are drugs, that lower blood pressure, reduce the contractile force of cardiac muscle. It can be used both for pressure reduction of chronic, as well as for the short-term effects. Is frequently used in both, as a single agent, but also can be used in combination. After amlozku there are side effects of fatigue which is usually (you 4, 5% cases where), or peripheral edema (up to 10% of patients felt that a side effect)

Where can you buy Amlozec?

Check where to buy amlodipine. Look for the best location and price to order. Always compare the price and the availability of Amlozek at the pharmacy.

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Amlozek ingredients and action

Get to know the composition of Amlozek and use for ailments
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Amlozek is used in an accident: For ischemic heart disease, Of coronary heart disease, For hypertension, For hypertension, Prescription,
The main ingredients of the drug Amlozek are: Amlodipinum , Amlodypine ,

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35 Replies to “Amlozek”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    This drug raises my blood pressure instead of lowering it ,I'm like a swollen nervous systolic and diastolic increase, although the latter is always ok. I'm taking metocard but it's not enough so I added amlodipine and now it's terrible. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired. Pain in the chest or rather constant pressure and dizziness.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Amlozek led to latent tetany in me (it is a very serious disease manifesting itself: Fears, nervousness, insomnia, tingling and numbness of the extremities, calf cramps etc.
    I advise against this one “leak”! From 4 months trying to get back to the state from before taking the amloz. I'll just add more, confirmed by the neurologist, that my illness is caused by taking amloz.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Amlozek led to latent tetany in me (it is a very serious disease manifesting itself : Fears, nervousness, insomnia, tingling and numbness of the extremities, calf cramps etc.
    I advise against this one “leak” ! From 4 months trying to get back to the state from before taking the amloz.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I had to stop taking amloze because of the many side effects. The most annoying thing was the swelling of the legs, cough, muscle pain and bursting vessels in the legs.