
Get to know the Naxii drug closer:

Welcome to the website, where you will find not only information from the leaflet about the drug, but also learn the real stories and opinions of experts about Naxia. Reliable opinions experts, patient histories with information about alternative replacements together with prices and reimbursement by the National Health Fund we present you would be / was aware at the time of their purchase. Learn more about the side effects of Naxia i verify drug ads and see if it's that good, and maybe there are better substitutes. We always appreciate your feedback, so please help us develop this website and leave your comment about the drug for others.

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Naxia rating

If the usual information from the Naxia leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out true stories about Naxia and expert opinions

Our users rated Naxii for the average grade 6.4/10 based on 15 comments posted on
The latest stories about Naxia
It didn't help the earache at all.

Guest the Naxii

I had a hand on my shoulder, NAXII helped me very quickly and effectively - I recommend it

Voytii the Naxii

Severe toothache, ibuprom max helped only on 3 hours, this one does it 9 hours, finger after surgery with stitches does not hurt.

Marcin the Naxii

Probably everyone has a different body. It helped me with my back pain.
Suwalki Grzesiek

gregor the Naxii

super drug speed of action sensational. better than pyralgin,I use it for rheumatism ,pain in the spine and, by the way, relieved the pain of acute kidney stones. I recommend

nuka38 the Naxii

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Where can you buy Naxia?

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Naxia ingredients and action

Get to know the composition of Naxia and its use for ailments
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Naxii is used in an accident: Without a prescription, For the pain, For a fever, For Menstruation, For a cold, For inflammation, On the joints, For Inflammation, For muscle inflammation, For female sex, For degeneration, Painkillers,
The main ingredients of Naxia are: Naproxen ,

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15 Replies to “Naxii”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I had a hand on my shoulder, NAXII helped me very quickly and effectively - I recommend it

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Severe toothache, ibuprom max helped only on 3 hours, this one does it 9 hours, finger after surgery with stitches does not hurt.

  3. super drug speed of action sensational. better than pyralgin,I use it for rheumatism ,pain in the spine and, by the way, relieved the pain of acute kidney stones. I recommend

  4. Lek Naxii super od trzech dni strasznie bolała mnie łopatka ból promieniujący na cały kręgosłup,szyje a nawet pośladek nie mogłam kichnąć bo tak strasznie mnie bolało nie mówiąc już nic o przewróceniu się z boku na bok, na początek wzięłam dwie tabletki ból przestał być aż tak silny raptem po godzinie,lek zamierzam przyjmować jeszcze przez dwa dni tak dla świętego spokoju.Naprawdę jest super polecam:)

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Brałam rwę kulszowa. Skuteczność słaba, trzeciego dnia pojawiły się takie skutki uboczne, że dziękuję. Więcej tego leku nie kupię.Duszności, zapalenie jamy ustnej, rozbicie ogólne i wzmożone pragnieniepisze o tym w ulotce. Ja w ciągu jednego dnia wypiłam 7 litrów.

  6. I saw the advertisement of the drug in the media. Rather, I tend not to the product, to advertise. Tempted this time, ponieważ cierpię mam bóle kolan i kręgosłupa. Niestety Naxii nie zadziałał. Pewnie jest skuteczny na ból głowy, but no such condition as mine?