
Get to know the Naxii drug closer:

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Naxia rating

If the usual information from the Naxia leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out true stories about Naxia and expert opinions

Our users rated Naxii for the average grade 6.4/10 based on 15 comments posted on
The latest stories about Naxia
It didn't help the earache at all.

Guest the Naxii

I had a hand on my shoulder, NAXII helped me very quickly and effectively - I recommend it

Voytii the Naxii

Severe toothache, ibuprom max helped only on 3 hours, this one does it 9 hours, finger after surgery with stitches does not hurt.

Marcin the Naxii

Probably everyone has a different body. It helped me with my back pain.
Suwalki Grzesiek

gregor the Naxii

super drug speed of action sensational. better than pyralgin,I use it for rheumatism ,pain in the spine and, by the way, relieved the pain of acute kidney stones. I recommend

nuka38 the Naxii

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Where can you buy Naxia?

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Naxia ingredients and action

Get to know the composition of Naxia and its use for ailments
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Naxii is used in an accident: Without a prescription, For the pain, For a fever, For Menstruation, For a cold, For inflammation, On the joints, For Inflammation, For muscle inflammation, For female sex, For degeneration, Painkillers,
The main ingredients of Naxia are: Naproxen ,

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15 Replies to “Naxii”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    What crap afraid. It does not help even the pain of mosquito bites. I do not recommend comparing it to such. voltarenu strong.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    After many attempts of others turned out to be one of the best painkillers. Works for a long time and is very effective. The pain will disappear after about 15 Minutes. I recommend really worth :) advantage is the low price :)

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    NAXII działa. It is important, and issues of taste is something completely trzecioplanowa. Unfortunately, the effect does not last for me 12, at most only 9 hours, and even less. Probably due to my fast metabolism. For these 9 hours rather not hurt me, choć to nie tramal. Price is not deadly. I, it's worth it to buy.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I personally am very happy with this drug. I tried different specifics for headaches and has proven to be a hit. And effectively relieves pain for a long time, no major side effects, and of course a good price is the big plus.

  5. Żona wzięła na przeziębienie-pomogło błyskawicznie po 2 tablets at the same time. When 2 h. was healthy. When was treated in sachets even Fervex 14 days of treatment did not give anything at all is not a cure-.
    Wieslaw, Olsztyn 2.05.2012r.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Ok, actually work long, ale na pewno nie jest tak silny jak zwykła pyralgina. Nie brałem go na bóle stawów, I do not concern me, ale na ból głowy. I usually just put on two hours sleep and the pain goes, but this time I was not able completely snooze. I give 3, probably fairly.