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Ocena Effectin

If the usual information in the Efectin leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check the real stories about Efectin and expert opinions

Our users rated Efectin for the average grade 6/10 based on 59 comments posted on
The latest stories about Efectin
The drug is undoubtedly very good . I've been taking it on breaks since 2006 year in different doses. dose for depression 75 absolutely ok, but with anxiety neurosis at least 150 (of course not right away, first 75) , because otherwise it won't work , so … [read the entire review]

Iza the Efectin

I have 53 years efectin I take from 6 The beginnings were terrible. I'm taking it now 2 x 75 mg and it was fine but for two weeks. xlesie I feel like everything is coming back I am being treated for anxiety

Lena the Efectin

I take this drug in a dose 150 mg/24 h together with Sulpiride ( 600 mg ). The drug is very activating, depression completely disappeared, I am not sleepy like after Pramolan/Sympramol. The side effects were in the beginning, but it's nothing to do with side effects… [read the entire review]

VETERAN the Efectin

I have been taking venlafaxine for over two years. First doses (and the first doses after the withdrawal period) have a very stimulating effect on me – stimulation, insomnia, huge pupils, lots of energy and overall mood improvement. Unfortunately, effects… [read the entire review]

Dominik the Efectin

I 34 years and for the first time decided to take some drugs. Improvement felt after a few hours, however, for approx 5 days as if I was hungover at work, and at the same time full control and peace, fatigue and strength at the same time. When 5 days with… [read the entire review]

robert the Efectin

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Opis leku Effectin

Venlafaxine contained in the medicament is efectin SNRI antidepressant from the group. The acronym stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and norepinephrine. Efectin apart from depression, it is also used for generalized neurosis and other neurotic disorders. Higher doses indicate that the drug statistically more likely to improve, thus increasing doses in subjects, in which the drug has not worked reasonably. Efectin it is especially effective in opioid-dependent people being treated for depression (including heroin). Side effects are not uncommon efectinu. People starting drug treatments can expect the following side effects (I mention in the order of most likely, these less common): headaches, nausea, insomnia, sexual problems, dry mouth

Where can you buy Efectin?

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Efectin ingredients and action

Get to know the composition of Efectin and its use for ailments
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Efectin is used in an accident: In Depression, For anxiety, For sexual problems, Prescription,
The main ingredients of Efectin are: Venlafaxine ,

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59 Replies to “Efectin”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The drug is undoubtedly very good . I've been taking it on breaks since 2006 year in different doses. dose for depression 75 absolutely ok, but with anxiety neurosis at least 150 (of course not right away, first 75) , because otherwise it won't work , as it should . Don't be put off by some opinions, each organism is different.

  2. I have 53 years efectin I take from 6 The beginnings were terrible. I'm taking it now 2 x 75 mg and it was fine but for two weeks. xlesie I feel like everything is coming back I am being treated for anxiety

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I take this drug in a dose 150 mg/24 h together with Sulpiride ( 600 mg ). The drug is very activating, depression completely disappeared, I am not sleepy like after Pramolan/Sympramol. The side effects were in the beginning, but it's still nothing with the side effects of Risperdal ( medicine from hell ). Unfortunately, permanent, a persistent side effect is a lack of sex drive, no erection and no orgasm.
    In addition, I expected a better anti-anxiety effect – Coz no, it's not aphobe.
    But overall I am happy with this drug – the sorrows are gone :)

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I have been taking venlafaxine for over two years. First doses (and the first doses after the withdrawal period) have a very stimulating effect on me – stimulation, insomnia, huge pupils, lots of energy and overall mood improvement. Unfortunately, these effects are minimized after a few days of taking the drug, which is related to the consumption of significant amounts of serotonin and norepinephrine in the synapses.

    Side effects, that I experience (I'm listing them in order of most bothersome): feeling hot all the time, severe sweating (especially on the face and hands), insomnia, delayed ejaculation, mydriasis. Also worth noting, that the drug makes. I tried to put him down twice, but to no avail – there was so much fatigue and lack of energy, that I was absolutely incapable of living.

    Venlafaxine is a cheap drug – has many substitutes, the cheapest (written on 30%) they cost approx. 5 PLN/package.

    In sum, in scale 1 do 5 I put out strong 3+. This drug helped me live, but after all, my life is far from the life of a person free of depression. I have a daily feeling of weakness and helplessness, I have a hard time getting out of bed and it's hard for me “come alive”. I also suffer from energy deficit in the afternoons. Unfortunately, so far, it is the best antidepressant of all, which I used (sertraline, trazodon, agomelatine). I keep searching…

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I 34 years and for the first time decided to take some drugs. Improvement felt after a few hours, however, for approx 5 days as if I was hungover at work, and at the same time full control and peace, fatigue and strength at the same time. When 5 days, no negative symptoms apart from slow bowel movements, great mood boost. I wish, I've been tired most of my life. I would recommend to anyone. It applies almost 2 months.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I take the 4 months 75mg, but after a hard delivery of kidney stones panic attacks, anxiety and depression came back despite the medication. He took me out nicely at first. dose from today 150. I hope, I will start living.