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Rating Debridat

If the simple information from the Debridat leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Debridat and expert opinions

Our users rated Debridat for the average grade 7.4/10 based on 32 comments posted on
The latest stories about Debridat
He has IBS for half his life ( 8 year ), and he was only diagnosed 2 months ago. A trusted doctor prescribed me Debridat, as it turned out – Bull's-eye. If anyone has IBS, they know, it works something like this ( admit… [read the entire review]

Utsuro the Debridat

As for the constant giving of omeprazole ( IPP) I have mixed feelings! This drug, which, next to another IPP – pantoprazole, has been abused for many years ( prescribed TOO OFTEN by doctors ) and it turned out ( this has been known for several years) , that he has a fatal DISTANCE… [read the entire review]

May the Debridat

This drug proved to be perfect for the colic plaguing my two-week-old son. After the first day of use, he slept through, in which he cried until he was hoarse. I am currently tired ( I think) with irritable bowel. Wzięłam pierwsz[read the entire review]

mama2 the Debridat

My teenage daughter had stomach problems due to an allergy to milk protein of her time wearing it “she did not regret it “, it took a while to get well diagnosed (it was some 5 years), but how she got debridat to… [read the entire review]

Angela the Debridat

My bowel problems ended in an emergency room, injection for atropine and pyralgin. Only then did the infernal pains recede. Yesterday, a typical attack for me started, I used debridate and after half an hour I slept like a baby. Is… [read the entire review]

Anita the Debridat

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Opis leku Debridat

Leak Debridat is intended for the treatment of digestive disorders in children aged three months to five years. It is an antidiarrheal and anticholinergic drug that regulates the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains the active substance trimebutin maleat.

Leak Debridat it is available in the form of tablets for oral administration in dosages 100 mg. The tablet must be taken rye and then washed down with a glass of water. The dose of the drug should be determined by the attending physician and is usually: 2 do 3 doses of the drug per day. If there is no improvement after approximately seven days, your doctor may recommend increasing your dose to 3 do 5 doses per day.

Potential substitutes/equivalents of the active substance contained in the drug Debridat there are:

• Trimebutin Polpharma: This medicine is available in the form of tablets to be swallowed and is included in the composition of medicines called Trimolan, Trimutin i Trimebutinum. It is available in dosage 100 mg.

• Trimebutin Proteum: This medicine is available in the form of tablets to be swallowed and is part of the medicine called Trimebutinum Proteum. It is available in dosage 100 mg.

• Trimebutin Actavis: This medicine is available in the form of swallowable tablets and is part of the medicine called Trimebutin Actavis. It is available in dosage 100 mg.

• Trimolan: It is a medicine available in the form of a gel and tablets to be swallowed, included in the drug called Trimolan. It is available in dosage 100 mg.

If you decide to substitute the drug Debridat another medicine, it is important to, to consult your doctor or pharmacist for dosing instructions, to make sure, that you are making the right choice.

Remember, that any medicine prescribed by a doctor should be used in accordance with his instructions and in the form and dosage he has prescribed. If you have any doubts or concerns about the medicine Debridat or its substitutes, contact your doctor or pharmacist for guidance.

Where can you buy Debridat?

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Debridat ingredients and action

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Debridat is used in an accident: Abdominal pain, See More,

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32 Replies to “Debridat”

  1. moja trzyletnia córka była w szpitalu z powodu ostrej biegunki lekarze zastosowali debridat efekt był natychmiastowy po dwóch dniach wróciła do domu

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Przyznam szczerze, że ten lek jest bardzo dobry od ok tygodnia go stosuje nie przejadam się jem zdrowiej i efekt jest piorunujący- zero problemów. A jak mnie łapie jakiś stres czy coś to od razu relax i debridat i jest spokój .Naprawdę dla osoby, która od pół roku zmagała się z tym wszystkim to taka ulga, że hej można spokojniej wiele rzeczy robić.
    I recommend, aby na tą dolegliwość stosować, brałam wcześniej różne gówna typu stoperan, węgiel, polprazole bla bla bla i tylko kasę nabijałam komuś, a to nic nie dawało tylko się wkurzałam. A teraz 3 razy dziennie po jednej tabletce i jest ok!

  3. My baby has one 2 lata i stwierdzony refluks i dostaje 3 razy dziennie debridat i jest poprawa duża do tego omeprazol i na pewno polecę go dalej jak jakieś dziecko będzie miało problemy jelitowo przełykowe.

    1. As for the constant giving of omeprazole ( IPP) I have mixed feelings! This drug, which, next to another IPP – pantoprazole, has been abused for many years ( prescribed TOO OFTEN by doctors ) and it turned out ( this has been known for several years) , że ma fatalne ODLEGŁE skutki uboczne.
      Szerokie badania wykazały, że nie tylko powoduje osteoporozę ( jestem jego ofiarą), ale przyczynia sie do demencji . Gdy przez 21 lat brałam ten lek z powodu silnego refluksu żołąd.- przeł, owrzodzeń przełyku i żołądka, nadżerekzwłaszcza po kolejnych operacjach kregosłupa i lekach p/zapalnych, /,p bólowych/ NSPZ ( naprzemiennie ome- i pantoprazol) , czułam sie juz po roku fatalnie, miałam stale bóle głowy, silne zaparcia, dizziness, zaburzenia widzenie,daze, zapominanie etc. a miałam wtedy 40 year.
      Ale brać musiałam, time- duże dawki ( 2x 40mg), gdy podkrwawiały nadżerki w żoładku. Czasem przerywałam branie na tydzień, 2 fabric..
      Okazało sie 10 years, że mam silną osteoporozę, mimo brania stale D3 i wapnia. Dopiero badania amerykańskie sprzed kilku lat wyjaśniły przyczynę: IPP (inhibitory pompy protonowej). Teraz zaleca się w przyp. owrzodzeń żołądka, XXIItnicy wyłącznie przepisywania leku na max 28 days!

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Theoretically, good medicine, I gave him the spikes Corcia-help, but!!discontinued after 3 weeks resulted in recurrence of colic:( note!!! It is a side effect of this suspension-by about 15-25 disappears minutes after taste!!!Language is a kind of numb and nothing has flavor, so be sure to give your child medicine and wait, or else, just like my baby, discouraged to eat

  5. Debridat przepisała mi lekarka na biegunkę, I could not be anything else to stop. At the moment I use this drug in my family even in other intestinal flu lasts three days au my family a few hours. I do not know, what it is, but it really helps.

  6. Ten lek jest dla dzieci na kolkę a ja mam po 40-ce i lekarka mi przepisała na wzdęcia, bouncing up and reflux