
It is a drug used for so-called., irritable bowel. Operation of the focus offset causing smooth muscle contraction in the bowel. This means that, that the small decrease spastic colon smooth muscle contraction, while, by atony causes contraction of smooth muscle. The actual effect of the drug is as follows: When diarrhea decreases the amount of bowel movements, while the denial begin to appear. Duspatalin also reduces flatulence, and so the pain.


Lek Debridat jest przeznaczony do leczenia zaburzeń układu pokarmowego u dzieci w wieku od trzech miesięcy do pięciu lat. It is an antidiarrheal and anticholinergic drug that regulates the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains the active substance trimebutin maleat.

Lek Debridat jest dostępny w postaci tabletek do podawania doustnego w dawce 100 mg. The tablet must be taken rye and then washed down with a glass of water. The dose of the drug should be determined by the attending physician and is usually: 2 do 3 doses of the drug per day. If there is no improvement after approximately seven days, your doctor may recommend increasing your dose to 3 do 5 doses per day.

Potencjalnymi zamiennikami/odpowiednikami substancji czynnej zawartej w leku Debridat są:

• Trimebutin Polpharma: This medicine is available in the form of tablets to be swallowed and is included in the composition of medicines called Trimolan, Trimutin i Trimebutinum. It is available in dosage 100 mg.

• Trimebutin Proteum: This medicine is available in the form of tablets to be swallowed and is part of the medicine called Trimebutinum Proteum. It is available in dosage 100 mg.

• Trimebutin Actavis: This medicine is available in the form of swallowable tablets and is part of the medicine called Trimebutin Actavis. It is available in dosage 100 mg.

• Trimolan: It is a medicine available in the form of a gel and tablets to be swallowed, included in the drug called Trimolan. It is available in dosage 100 mg.

Jeśli zdecydujesz się na zastąpienie leku Debridat innym lekiem, it is important to, to consult your doctor or pharmacist for dosing instructions, to make sure, that you are making the right choice.

Remember, that any medicine prescribed by a doctor should be used in accordance with his instructions and in the form and dosage he has prescribed. Jeśli wystąpią jakiekolwiek wątpliwości lub wątpliwości dotyczące leku Debridat lub jego zamienników, contact your doctor or pharmacist for guidance.


Scopolan is a drug that causes smooth muscle in the gut, relaxant which acts. It is an effective treatment for abdominal pain at different background such as. the spines of intestinal, thorns and spines renal biliary. Its operation, however, is short-lived. Works from 4 do 6 hours. At higher doses can cause a drop in pressure. This is a fairly common side effect.