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Cipronex evaluation

If the usual information from the Cipronex leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Cipronex and expert opinions

Our users rated Cipronex for the average grade 4.8/10 based on 114 comments posted on
The latest stories about Cipronex
I warn against this antibiotic and stupid doctors who prescribe them even to teenagers without thinking, that stuff is just as toxic to the human body, as radio therapy and has the same side effects on cellular mitochondria… [read the entire review]

Ophelion the Cipronex

I was supposed to take the drug through 7 days. I felt the improvement on the second day of use. The first three days, however, were quite hard, because of the few side effects you can feel, such as dizziness, weakness, photosensitivity and … [read the entire review]

M.toja the Cipronex

I was taking a dose twice a day for cystitis 500. After the sixth tablet, pain in the joints in the legs began, which increased by back pain, so I stopped taking. I believe that this antibiotic should be taken as a last resort and I should take it… [read the entire review]

Arek the Cipronex

I got Cipronex for inflammation of the urinary tract. The day after starting treatment, I developed acute diarrhea for the third day (gets up to the toilet at night co 2 hours, terrible stomach ache) . There were also auditory hallucinations, elevated temperature… [read the entire review]

Mala the Cipronex

I do not recommend this drug as it is a poison and should possibly be administered when there is no other option. We woke up at night not feeling any arm or leg! For this pain in the chest support. I contacted my doctor and he told me to stop immediately… [read the entire review]

Wow the Cipronex

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Description of the drug Cipronex

Cipronex is a synthetic antibiotic, which was produced from cephalonia. It is available in tablets and contains cephalosporin as the active ingredient. Cipronex it is used to treat infections caused by the tubercle bacilli. The drug is effective in the treatment of infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, skin, purulent infections, pyelonephritis and gastrointestinal, as well as in the treatment of other bacterial infections.

Cipronex should be used according to the doctor's recommendations. The dose of the drug depends on the type of infection and the patient's individual circumstances. Dose for children aged 3 month to 12 years is 25 mg per kg body weight, which is administered four times a day. In adults, the dose is 0,5-1 g When the drug is used for a serious infection, its dose may be increased to 2 g.

Side effects related to taking the drug Cipronex are following: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, tiredness and lack of appetite.

Cipronex is not the only drug used to treat bacterial infections. There are many other medications, which are available in Poland. These include medicines such as amoxicillin, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, doxycycline, macropene, sefoperazon, sulfamethoxazole i sulfadiazyna. These medicines are used to treat skin infections, urinary tract, gynecological, pneumonia and other bacterial infections.

However, it should be remembered, that regardless, what drug you choose to treat the bacterial infection, it is important to, to follow your doctor's recommendations and read the instructions carefully. Taking too little or too much is not recommended and may cause overdose or side effects.

Where can you buy Cipronex?

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Cipronex ingredients and action

Find out about the composition of Cipronex and its use in ailments
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Cipronex is used in an accident: Antibiotic, For diarrhea, For infection, On Lichen, For male genitals, For the kidneys, On a cold, For a cold, Prescription, At Sight, For infection, For Inflammation, For pharyngitis, For bronchitis, For pneumonia, For pneumonia, Into the bays, For female sex, Antimicrobial,
The main ingredients of Cipronex are: Ciprofloksacyna , Ciprofloxacinum ,

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114 Replies to “Cipronex”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I warn against this antibiotic and stupid doctors who prescribe them even to teenagers without thinking, that stuff is just as toxic to the human body, as radio therapy and has the same side effects on cellular mitochondria , mutating, damaging and preventing their division , the system of combating free radicals crashes at this point and the oxidative stress that you will experience in the next few months will destroy your life and that's nothing , problems with memory , dull headaches , hives , herpes from nowhere , problems with walking and lifting , accelerated aging of the body even at a young age , I do not wish anyone what I experienced and today after 7 months I haven't come back together and I don't think I'll ever come back

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I was supposed to take the drug through 7 days. I felt the improvement on the second day of use. The first three days, however, were quite hard, because of the few side effects you can feel, such as dizziness, weakness, sensitivity to light and pain in muscles and joints. Fortunately, after the third day, they passed and everything returned to normal at a later stage of the treatment. It is a good idea to stock up on a probiotic while using this drug, the doctor didn't tell me that, but I was taking it on my own between doses of the chemotherapy drug. Efficiency is a plus, but I do not recommend it to people, who have to drive a car or work during treatment.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I was taking a dose twice a day for cystitis 500. After the sixth tablet, pain in the joints in the legs began, which increased by back pain, so I stopped taking. I think this antibiotic should be taken as a last resort and I got it for the night help… Despite the discontinuation of the drug, the pains do not intensify some time ago, but they do not pass.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I got Cipronex for inflammation of the urinary tract. The day after starting treatment, I developed acute diarrhea for the third day (gets up to the toilet at night co 2 hours, terrible stomach ache) . There were also auditory hallucinations, increased body temperature and leg pain. It is true that the drug helped with the urinary tract, but I will rather go back to furagin.
    I will only add that I was taking probiotics, although the food was not an option as there was vomiting.