
About this antibiotic.

The drug contains amoxicillin Duomox, which is an antibiotic zwalczającym many groups of bacteria. Frequently, it is used in the case of infections of the upper respiratory tract. It is a very effective – does not allow bacteria to build their cell walls. Because of your profile, compared to other antibiotics, it is duomox that is used relatively often in children.

What side effects can the use of Duomox -u.

The use of antibiotics quite often causes the appearance in patients side effects of. It is no different in the case of duomox. These most often affect the digestive system: abdominal pains, vomiting, diarrhea. Occasionally there is also a rash. Other side effects are less common: weakness, somnolence, extraordinary sensitivity to light and sounds.

Caution: Doctors often advise to take duomox, not on an empty stomach, to reduce the likelihood of such reactions.

Duomox, first opinions:

It worked pretty damn fast. My sick bays improved after 24 hours. There is still a great well, but I can breathe easily. I was 3 times a day after 500 mg. So far I do not have any side effects

For me, despite my life full of abdominal pain and other problems such as pain and vomiting, indigestion, duomox did not cause anything of the sort. I chose all therapy 8 day and I have not suffered once. I don't have much experience with antibiotics and I can't say how he will react to others.

The rest of the opinions about Duomox can be found below:


UroFuraginum is a substance supporting the treatment of urinary tract diseases. Nieprzyjemne swędzenie a nawet ból jest spowodowany bakteriami i mikroorganizmami w naszym moczu. Składnik główny zawarty w preparacie UroFuraginum przede wszystkim działa zapobiegawczo (bakteriostatycznie) ale również aktywnie zwalcza drobnoustroje zawarte w moczu. Ma szerokie działanie na różne bakterie. lek stosuje się również w sytuacjach podwyższonego ryzyka na takie zakażenia, np w sytuacjach używania antybiotyków gdzie odporność organizmu jest podwyższona.