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Rating Zolafren

If the usual information from the Zolafren leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Zolafren and expert opinions

Our users rated Zolafren for the average grade 5.7/10 based on 47 comments posted on
The latest stories about Zolafren
I think I was the best medicine for sleep 10 Psychotropics are also dedicated to sleep, but olozapine works the most

Peter the Zolafren


For me, this drug would be a godsend if it weren't for the weight gain and the anchedonia I have(increased after zolafrene). And this is a nice treat. Something is delusional there, it does not stuck in the mana, but even fights it, stabilizes, relaxes and calms down.

thomson the Zolafren

For me, zolafren works very badly, I feel withdrawn and hostile to people with whom I had good contact before, I am apathetic and often find it very difficult to focus. I would not recommend this drug. I take 20 mg noc, besides, I don't love everything… [read the entire review]

Unbelievable the Zolafren

I was hospitalized in 2010 year. The drug helps with the symptoms of the disease, but the price I paid, is terrible. When it rises 1,75 I weighed 64 kg, currently it 10 kg more and I am not able to lose weight. After arbitrary drug discontinuation, I had an episode… [read the entire review]

riotka the Zolafren

Beloved, each drug works individually for everyone. Zolafren helps me a lot and correlates well with Seronil for depression.

Anubis the Zolafren

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Description of the drug Zolafren

Zolafren is an atypical antipsychotic drug. It is effective in the treatment of schizophrenia and psychotic states. What is important is not only copes with the positive elements of the disease (such as hallucinations), but also the negative symptoms (social withdrawal, feeling of emptiness). In Poland, it is often used for maintenance therapy.
Zolafren like other antipsychotic drugs, it can cause a number of side effects. The most common are: somnolence, increased appetite, and hence weight gain, apathy and irritability.

Where can you buy Zolafren?

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Zolafren ingredients and action

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Zolafren is used in an accident: Na schizophrenia,

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47 Replies to “Zolafren”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Zolafren biorę kilka lat z przerwami i dobrze się czuje dobrze śpię i jestem wesoły. I see a colorful world. The only drawback is weight gain. But I recommend

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    'm Paranoid. I returned for the third time Zolafren. I wish, że tak długo się męczyłem bo ARKETIS na to, is not enough.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I say so – each, who decides to pharmacotherapy automatically loses! So. By agreeing to take medicine to admit its presence in your life and at the same time accept them with this fact. It is a mistake! Accepting this fact is no longer fighting… I think I have the right to have your opinion? No one will persuade me not, I'm sick, but doing it the fifth psychiatrist and more, but I will not give. I'm not stupid.
    As for the drug… When I was given it in the hospital, the first month I was hardly able to participate in activities, because I was so sleepy. The hunger, I felt, did not even want me to mention. Even in less than 2 months I gained 6 kilo. My intelligence probably disappeared, while taking this drug, I was not even able to concentrate, learn anything. Calm, a good night's sleep after, but I've lost a lot of, a lot.
    Now do not take this medication and I'm glad “old” me. I recommend this feeling. There is a natural…
    PEOPLE, DO NOT DO do your morons.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello, I take this medicine somewhere between half a year and it is good. Wcześniej brałem Rispolept ale w stosunku do tego nie ma porównania w ogóle. RISPERDAL off of emotions in general. I go to two doctors alternately, one gives me 15min. second more and I'm going to change just for the latter. Prevention is also important psychological, is about the same drugs. 20% and treatment 80% an environment and psychologists. I attended an average of, every week to a psychologist, now less likely to go, co 3 week because I'm so established Mrs. psychologist. In my case, the treatment can last up to 2y.o. and that I hold. Remember: same drugs did not give, only in conjunction with the help of family and psychologists. Regards

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Działa bardzo dobrze likwiduje stany psychozy jestem w trakcie odstawiania benzo alko i drągów, you can run after him to sleep, Aug. sleep tight, which may even scare at the beginning of an ordinary blacksmith, but the day I take a flight of ideas dims briefly, because 3 day, but it really helps me…