
Find out more about RISPERDAL:

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Rating Rispolept

If the usual information from the RISPERDAL leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Rispolept and expert opinions

Our users rated Rispolept for the average grade 4.8/10 based on 103 comments posted on
The latest stories about Rispolept
The son was intolerant to risperpolept ,after a week he landed on cheese , vomiting , diarrhea , detoxification, change of drugs , massacre , he almost went down.

tola the Rispolept

Is a drug, which means social death for an intellectually working person. I do not know why this drug was given to me by my doctor before the last exam at university in the dose of Consta 50 mg. Beside physical suffering (akathisia,… [read the entire review]

grimek the Rispolept

This drug works well for me, but I do have side effects and I have very strong depression, but that's probably normal with this drug. I don't know, in every forum, he writes something else and every doctor says something else because of her, she makes her emotionally unstable… [read the entire review]

Kowalski the Rispolept

I have serious doubts about taking the drug risperdal 2mg which is taken by my mother who is so silent as if she lives in another world I am afraid for her and I have to translate her to change the drug or doctor

krysplaskocinski a com pl the Rispolept

Has any of you noticed a change in drug properties?? It seems to me that the producer is at the turn 2017 i 2018 years changed the composition of the drug. I did a blood test before taking the medicine and after taking the medicine. Packaging that was bought in 201… [read the entire review]

Krzysztof the Rispolept

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Rispolept for Opis

Rispolept is a modern antipsychotic drug. Doctors prescribe it for a variety of diseases, However, most commonly used for schizophrenia. Not only does it help fight the symptoms of the disease generation (hallucinations), but also the negative symptoms (alienation patient, lack of motivation, reduced emotional)
It is also used by Chad (bipolar disorder), and with autism. Recently become fashionable among doctors also prescribe depression rispoleptu. This trend came to us from the United States.
Rispolept may cause side effects, and most often indicated by the patient's weight gain. Patients also complain about agitation and insomnia.

Where can you buy RISPERDAL?

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Rispolept ingredients and action

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Rispolept is used in an accident: Na schizophrenia,

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103 Replies to “Rispolept”

  1. The son was intolerant to risperpolept ,after a week he landed on cheese , vomiting , diarrhea , detoxification, change of drugs , massacre , he almost went down.

  2. Is a drug, which means social death for an intellectually working person. I do not know why this drug was given to me by my doctor before the last exam at university in the dose of Consta 50 mg. Beside physical suffering (akathisia, muscle pain), I noticed a terrible brain impairment, inability to read due to impaired concentration, but also the inability to remember. Even a maintenance dose 4 mg / day causes intellectual impairment of the brain. I couldn't study for longer than 2 hours, Later I struggled with the feeling of my brain tired and unable to work. Only after a year and a half did I find a doctor, who was so kind to change my medicine. If I hadn't insisted on it, to this day, I would be intellectually retarded, incapable of anything.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    This drug works well for me, but I do have side effects and I have very strong depression, but that's probably normal with this drug. I don't know, in every forum, he writes something else and every doctor says something else because of her feeling emotionally unstable, I also feel siltation, drowsiness not dullness i'm just less physically efficient at work if i could just lay down feeling asleep. I don't have any thoughts in my head, unless I am focusing on something the drug works for me not worse on hot days once I felt in the town hall after taking it for a moment.

  4. I have serious doubts about taking the drug risperdal 2mg which is taken by my mother who is so silent as if she lives in another world I am afraid for her and I have to translate her to change the drug or doctor

  5. For me, after rispolept consta 25 hepatic hemangiomas appeared, so I guess I go to delusions than hemangiomas, in addition, an adenoma is formed on the pituitary gland, secreting prolactin, I was taking this shit 3 year.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    This is by far the worst drug I have ever used, due to side effects. Of course, I only speak for myself, some say, that it is an almost perfect drug. Side effects, which I have had this: almost complete flattening of affect, severe cognitive impairment, mainly concentration, inability to read comprehension. In addition, disorders from the reproductive system, anorgasmia, semen atrophy, and then impotence. Everything returned to normal only six months after the poison was discontinued. In general, I advise against. Solian and olanzapine are far better drugs than the above R.

    1. Has any of you noticed a change in drug properties?? It seems to me that the producer is at the turn 2017 i 2018 years changed the composition of the drug. I did a blood test before taking the medicine and after taking the medicine. Packaging that was bought in 2017 year, incl. lowered testosterone, estradiol, while the hormone estriol was not determined due to the instability of the sample and the lab person called me asking me to re-test. Unfortunately, I didn't have that package anymore, so I bought it this year. There were no such changes in the new packaging. At the moment I am looking for a drug purchased in 2017 or earlier in the year to check the effects on hormones.
      Best wishes.