
Get to know the drug Pramolan closer:

Welcome to the website, where you will find not only information from the drug leaflet, but also you will get to know real stories and experts' opinions about Pramolan. Reliable opinions experts, patient histories with information about alternative replacements together with prices and reimbursement by the National Health Fund we present you would be / was aware at the time of their purchase. Get to know the side effects of Pramolan i better verify drug ads and see if it's that good, and maybe there are better substitutes. We always appreciate your feedback, so please help us develop this website and leave your comment about the drug for others.

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Rating Pramolan

If the simple information from the Pramolan leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Pramolan and expert opinions

Our users rated Pramolan for the average grade 6.6/10 based on 121 comments posted on
The latest stories about Pramolan
Nasty drug. From the very first day he caused great drowsiness. The following days are sick and tired. Yes, it calmed down a bit, but the fear still troubled on some days and I had to save myself without being left.
When 21 days of agony , drowsiness and… [read the entire review]

Misha72 the Pramolan

Very good medicine. Works for me 1/2 tablets a day. Sometimes it improves the mood, although in Pms it does not work. I was in bad shape, downright tragic. No motivation, want anything. Eternal fear for health. This drug changes the view of problems… [read the entire review]

Zizu the Pramolan

I am satisfied with pramolan, I feel good after it, I sleep well and I am calm. I recommend

Julia the Pramolan

The drug is effective in my case 12 days 2 times a day 1 tabl. Maybe I'm a little slower, my eyes sting but I'm not that nervous anymore The night sweats are gone. I can function somehow

Aska the Pramolan

I take pramolan the other day 3*1 TAB and I feel asleep all the time so I can't do anything

She the Pramolan

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Description of the drug Pramolan

The drug, called pramolan contains opipramol. Pramolan theoretically, it belongs to the group of tricyclic antidepressants, but actually its operation differs from that shown by most of the tricyclic drugs. It has, of course, an anti-depressant, However, the mechanism of action for pramolanu not based on turning one of the uptake of monoamines. In addition to the aforementioned antidepressant effect Pramolan has a very strong anti-neurosis effect (including generalized neurosis).

While the use of alcohol in almost all other anti-depressants is discouraged in the leaflet properly in principle, so much alcohol with PramolanIt cannot actually be harmful.

Where can you buy Pramolan?

Check where to buy Pramolan. Look for the best location and price to order. Always compare the price and availability of the drug Pramolan at the pharmacy.

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Pramolan ingredients and action

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Pramolan is used in an accident: In Depression, See More,

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121 Replies to “Pramolan”

  1. Nasty drug. From the very first day he caused great drowsiness. The following days are sick and tired. Yes, it calmed down a bit, but the fear still troubled on some days and I had to save myself without being left.
    When 21 days of agony , drowsiness and fatigue I decide to switch to another medication. I don't have the strength to clean the house , preferably just a couch. No dramat.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Very good medicine. Works for me 1/2 tablets a day. Sometimes it improves the mood, although in Pms it does not work. I was in bad shape, downright tragic. No motivation, want anything. Eternal fear for health. This drug changes the view of problems. It does not relax artificially like benzo. Man has such a natural drive.
    People often criticize,żze is a drug of the old generation, and the new ones are so safe?

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The drug is effective in my case 12 days 2 times a day 1 tabl. Maybe I'm a little slower, my eyes sting but I'm not that nervous anymore The night sweats are gone. I can function somehow

  4. Gowno did not take the drug 1 a pill and I have had tinnitus for a week,I don't know who is writing these positive opinions. Gowno, don't buy it

  5. I am very dissatisfied after that 2 nausea pills, throat problems and enough arrhythmia ,and I am after ablation of the heart atrial fibrillation I almost landed in the cardiology department this is a drug not me I prefer a tiny dose of zomiren or a sedan is divided 6 in 4 of