
Get to know the drug Orgametril closer:

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Rating Orgametril

If the usual information in the Orgametril leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the real stories about Orgametril and expert opinions

Our users rated Orgametril for the average grade 6.2/10 based on 19 comments posted on
The latest stories about Orgametril
Hello. I 35 year.
I take orgametril 2 month, the beginning was terrible. I treat endometriosis, side effects at the start of treatment was headache, dizziness, Sweating, exasperation, water retention and bleeding 4 times in a string… [read the entire review]

worth a try :)) the Orgametril

I've taken this drug a couple of times, It has stopped the bleeding after every use, but the next menstruation ended in hemorrhage, I just left the gynecology ward yesterday, to complete treatment at home (hemorrhage)… [read the entire review]

agata the Orgametril

I take longer 4 month, Everything's fine, I have lost 7 kg usually.

Mama the Orgametril

I got it to induce my period. A few days after the prescribed amount, days of use, occurred- for now it is (abundant). You may be right about the food, I'm snacking… But I am happy with the presence of the period :) Regards.

But the Orgametril

Dear Ladies, it was like that with me:
endo, terrible pains, mid-cycle bleeding or a sudden stop of your period, massive bleeding, horrible torment, I 34 year, several years after cesarean section. Finally, the doctor prescribed Orgametril. My … [read the entire review]

But the Orgametril

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Description of the drug Orgametril

Orgametril is used to treat endometriosis. It is a drug with a strong effect that stops the ovulation process. The side-effects of this drug zaliczmy depression, nausea, headaches, acne, weight gain weight loss, lack of sexual desire.

Where can you buy Orgametril?

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Orgametril ingredients and action

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Orgametril is used in an accident: For Women,

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19 Replies to “Orgametril”

  1. Ja mam endometrioze 53 lata wciąż krwawiłam plamiłam teraz wszystko sie uspokoiło ale choruję na migrene i bole ataki mam bardzo częste sama już nie wiem jak sie ratować wiem tylko ze musze ten czasklima poprostu przejść pozdrawiam

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Biorę ten lek na zatrzymanie miesiączki łykam już 6 days I 15. Okres jak na razie się zatrzymał. A co do skutków ubocznych to: wilczy apetyt muszę się bardzo pilnować! Większa ochota na sex, wielka drażliwość jestem nie do zniesienia, somnolence, rozdęty brzuch,i najgorsze w nocy pocę się jak świnia. Ale niestety leczenie to leczenie nie jedno trzeba przejść.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Witam ja leczę endometrioze Orgametril Lyncentrol 5mg i przyznam że bardzo boli mnie głowa choć już dziś w 3 day was better, I did not feel such a headache but I have to admit that I did not hurt the rectum i calmed down and I have no appetite, such as I had before taking this medicine .
    I peritoneal endometriosis, so it's a pain amazing stand it without treatment 12 years, and now I could not be such a pain, I decided to treat this terrible disease.
    For me the most is I do not know how other women but for me the best is LAPAROSCOPIA after persevered feels great 12 years after surgery-laparoscopy .
    I greet the girls with rain, Netherlands
    Keep your head up and if you do not have to take this drug is not recommended to play with, because it is a very serious hormonal drug, who can do us much harm, I'm taking away from this type and general…

  4. Never again! After the treatment I gained 2miesiecznej 10 kg, which proved to be? the cyst, that would disappear after drug use has not changed even a bit of their state, still feels good in my ovary. Curse!!

  5. I take this stuff from 10 days for relief of bleeding. Bleeding indeed decreased after 2 On, but I feel the side effects. I took the hormone already in the past and felt only increase appetite. From 3 dni mam mdłości ból głowy podobny do migrenowego, flushed face and ravenous appetites for cheese and mięcho, I think holds water, although I do not know, pee normally, but it feels swollen and without force.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Costs 7 zł (in 100%) , at a discount unless 3.50 zł. Been using the 4 m-ce without interruption on endomatriozę ( cyst on the ovary 5cm / 6 cm) After treatment, the cyst disappeared !!!! I gained 10 kg – but now the weight quickly returns to normal. Earlier I took Zoladex ( injections in the stomach – 300 zł one, and must be taken every month) and did not help. Or – not always better is, which is expensive.
    Polecam Orgametril !