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Ocena Nimesil

If the usual information from the Nimesil leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Nimesil and expert opinions

Our users rated Nimesil for the average grade 7/10 based on 169 comments posted on
The latest stories about Nimesil
My back ached excruciatingly and the pain radiated to my left leg 4 days I took one sachet and after an hour of no pain and it stopped completely.… [read the entire review]

the Nimesil

After implantation, the drug works great, with a strong headache too; it is used only in single doses, never long-term and it works really soothingly…I recommend

Nina the Nimesil

I was prescribed the drug after the implantation of dental implants. The treatment was quite “stormy”, so I had a rather massacred gum after it. When the anesthesia has stopped working, the pain was unbearable. I dissolved Nimesil in glass… [read the entire review]

Pawel the Nimesil

In my opinion, the drug is very effective, especially in spine pains, joints, head, Muscle. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Like all pain medications, it has its own side effects. Expressing opinions about the drug scare the negative … [read the entire review]

Jan42 the Nimesil

Nimesil prescribed by a neurologist for back pain, but recently used it after haemorrhoidectomy, When the anesthesia was released, I was walking on the walls, po nimesilu ok 15 minutes the pain subsided, I have never had side effects after it… [read the entire review]

Tom the Nimesil

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Learned from Leku Nimes

Nimesil is a controversial painkiller in the form of a suspension.

The drug is effective for various types of severe pain such as. by arthritis, painful menstruation, or after excision of the tonsils. The drug can be taken with or without, and from the food, because of the presence of food has no effect on the absorption of

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Nimesil Unfortunately, it is associated with harmful effects on the liver. Consequently, in several countries has been withdrawn from sale (m. In. Spain and Finland). Unfortunately we are not able to tell, people who have problems with your liver after ingestion of the drug. Rather, it should also be used in children.

Patients using the drug, sometimes they experience him side effects of: It may appear rash, nausea, vomiting, headaches i a feeling of bitter taste in the mouth.

Where can you buy Nimesil?

Check where to buy Nimesil. Look for the best location and price to order. Always compare the price and availability of the drug Nimesil at the pharmacy.

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Nimesil ingredients and action

Find out about the composition of Nimesil and its application to ailments
Check out other drugs and read reviews about them

Nimesil is used in an accident: Painkillers,
The main components of the drug Nimesil are: Nimesulidum ,

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169 Replies to “Nimesil”

  1. My back ached excruciatingly and the pain radiated to my left leg 4 days I took one sachet and after an hour there was no pain and it stopped completely. .

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    After implantation, the drug works great, with a strong headache too; it is used only in single doses, never long-term and it works really soothingly…I recommend

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I was prescribed the drug after the implantation of dental implants. The treatment was quite “stormy”, so I had a rather massacred gum after it. When the anesthesia has stopped working, the pain was unbearable. I dissolved Nimesil in a glass of water, I drank. Literally after a few minutes, the pain began to subside. After half an hour, no pain, great feeling. No problem all night. In the morning the pain started to return a bit, I took another dose and the problem was over. After that, there was no need to take more, because the pain never came back. So in my case, amazing effectiveness and no side effects. Of course, it would be risky to take it in the long run, because something with such a powerful effect probably has negative effects.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    In my opinion, the drug is very effective, especially in spine pains, joints, head, Muscle. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Like all pain medications, it has its own side effects. Expressing opinions about the drug, it has negative effects on the liver and not only. If anyone has liver problems, is abusing alcohol or taking other medications, this must be consulted with a doctor. After all, the drug is prescription. Me e.g.. other painkillers do not help. For renal colic (found, that they were grains of sand – later excreted in urine) Even two pyralginine tablets didn't help. Nimesil helped almost immediately. Hence my conclusion, that it is a powerful and effective drug. I take it sporadically and I don't feel any side effects. I take medications for high blood pressure and blood thinning.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Nimesil prescribed by a neurologist for back pain, but recently used it after haemorrhoidectomy, When the anesthesia was released, I was walking on the walls, po nimesilu ok 15 minutes the pain subsided, I have never had side effects after it

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Works fantastic. I don't know how it is with an alternate action. when 2 knee hours like new.

  7. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The drug does not work for menstrual pain at all, in addition, the sachets are hideous, I do not recommend