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Nasen Rating

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Our users rated Nose for the average grade 6.4/10 based on 193 comments posted on
Latest stories about Nasen
A good night's sleep is a blessing, and when the pain comes, it's agony in bed. I have Horse Tail Syndrome and am on my way off Oxycontin. Terrible pain. And I use Stilnox once a month. Thank you. noses itp. you can take s… [read the entire review]

Bart the Nose

I have been taking Nasen for a week. I got it after midfoot surgery. Everything was fine, I fell asleep ,I woke up without being dazed. I took paracetamol yesterday ,I walked up a little and spoke to the foot. In the evening she took Nasen, this time he did not give… [read the entire review]

Diana the Nose

Nasen is a good and effective remedy for insomnia. Unfortunately, now doctors and pharmacists are on a crusade against him, scaring patients with addiction. They recommend anti-sepressants instead, claiming, that they are not addictive. … [read the entire review]

Language the Nose

The hypnotic effect of the drug is very effective, I fell asleep very quickly and woke up without feeling dizzy or dazed. But as my husband told me, I was sleepwalking and delusional, which I am completely unaware of.
As you can see Nasen ye… [read the entire review]

JW the Nose

I take a nap, because it makes me feel like I'm high. I fall asleep quickly and feel refreshed. The downside is that he's been sleepwalking lately , my neighbor brought me home naked, my husband was furious when he saw this… Worst of all, I don't remember anything… [read the entire review]

Catherine the Nose

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Office at Nasen

Nose is a powerful drug, allowing people suffering from insomnia to fall asleep.

Insomnia seems to be an increasingly serious problem and hence the great interest in sleeping pills. We can choose natural remedies (herbal extracts), or advanced pharmaceutical products.

Nose it's a measure, which we should reach for, when other means fail. The drug exhibits addictive properties and therefore far-reaching caution is recommended when using it. It is important, that the drug is only a short-term remedy. We should not use it for more than a few weeks. Better known by the same name is the name of the drug's active ingredient: zolpidem. Feature of the drug, It is also, that is quickly removed from the body, so to be effective, should be taken shortly before going to bed.

Side effects take Nose-may deter many people from using the drug. It often happens, that the patient taking the drugI don't remember the evening since taking the medicine. Sometimes people after Noseie sleepwalking (this occurs much less frequently). They may also appear at higher doses vomiting and nausea.

Where can you buy Nasen?

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Nasen ingredients and action

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Nose is used in an accident: For Insomnia, For Sedation,
The main ingredients of Nasen are: Zolpidem ,

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193 Replies to “Nose”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Let me put it this way Nasen is a spicy banya rooting. You ask why? I'm telling you already. After 1-Nothing is remembered after taking this preparation (I do). After 2-I do not take this drug and how I took it 6 I had pills in the middle of the night after falling asleep vomiting :/ (I remember this because I woke up at 3 and I ran with a stomach ache to the toilet and that's how it came out… After, of course 6 No wonder I was vomiting. But I had hallucinations for ##biste no shit AND REALLY IT'S F**** MEDICINES AND I WANT TO PPAALLICH ZIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHELPS ME FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!

  2. i take this medicine 2,5 I'm addicted to it and I feel like I can't sleep without it 1 the pill doesn't help 4-6. Side effects include a brief loss of consciousness, drugs, auditory hallucinations, Sweating, loss of vision

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The drug worked for me almost immediately, after a few minutes I was extremely sleepy, but there were side effects. I had visual hallucinations, auditory and sensory experiences, which weren't there (moving furniture, double vision, hearing voices, feeling, that the whole bed is spinning – generally a daydream). After that I fell asleep quickly and for a long time. Whereas, because these side effects (even so, they felt euphoric) they scared me, that's why I only took the drug twice.
    It doesn't work for my mother at all, I can't sleep after taking this medicine.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    was enough for me 0,5 sometimes and sometimes 1 or 2

    I've been sleeping quite late lately, but it's probably such a habitual late falling asleep because when I go to bed, I sleep after a while and not like before that I could lie and lie and nothing ?. I slept maybe an hour a night and that's with breaks and sleeping time is the mountain 15 minutes

    overall, Nasen helped me a lot during that period (albeit at the beginning 0,5 I couldn't wake up on the pill and I was screwing things up because of it) and now that I'm falling asleep late again, maybe I should go back to it

    @m340 melatonin is a bad idea, may fall asleep, but you're giving yourself problems with other hormones and neurotransmitters

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I'm already taking over 2 years initially every day just before bedtime, maybe after a break 2 I take months but so what 2 – 3 days all the time 0,5 tablets. It doesn't always work
    yours 3-4 h. I have a good sleep at least every other day. However, melatonin works best for sleep, of course, it does not combine any drugs for the same ailment / I mean insomnia /.