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Nasen Rating

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Our users rated Nose for the average grade 6.4/10 based on 193 comments posted on
Latest stories about Nasen
A good night's sleep is a blessing, and when the pain comes, it's agony in bed. I have Horse Tail Syndrome and am on my way off Oxycontin. Terrible pain. And I use Stilnox once a month. Thank you. noses itp. you can take s… [read the entire review]

Bart the Nose

I have been taking Nasen for a week. I got it after midfoot surgery. Everything was fine, I fell asleep ,I woke up without being dazed. I took paracetamol yesterday ,I walked up a little and spoke to the foot. In the evening she took Nasen, this time he did not give… [read the entire review]

Diana the Nose

Nasen is a good and effective remedy for insomnia. Unfortunately, now doctors and pharmacists are on a crusade against him, scaring patients with addiction. They recommend anti-sepressants instead, claiming, that they are not addictive. … [read the entire review]

Language the Nose

The hypnotic effect of the drug is very effective, I fell asleep very quickly and woke up without feeling dizzy or dazed. But as my husband told me, I was sleepwalking and delusional, which I am completely unaware of.
As you can see Nasen ye… [read the entire review]

JW the Nose

I take a nap, because it makes me feel like I'm high. I fall asleep quickly and feel refreshed. The downside is that he's been sleepwalking lately , my neighbor brought me home naked, my husband was furious when he saw this… Worst of all, I don't remember anything… [read the entire review]

Catherine the Nose

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Office at Nasen

Nose is a powerful drug, allowing people suffering from insomnia to fall asleep.

Insomnia seems to be an increasingly serious problem and hence the great interest in sleeping pills. We can choose natural remedies (herbal extracts), or advanced pharmaceutical products.

Nose it's a measure, which we should reach for, when other means fail. The drug exhibits addictive properties and therefore far-reaching caution is recommended when using it. It is important, that the drug is only a short-term remedy. We should not use it for more than a few weeks. Better known by the same name is the name of the drug's active ingredient: zolpidem. Feature of the drug, It is also, that is quickly removed from the body, so to be effective, should be taken shortly before going to bed.

Side effects take Nose-may deter many people from using the drug. It often happens, that the patient taking the drugI don't remember the evening since taking the medicine. Sometimes people after Noseie sleepwalking (this occurs much less frequently). They may also appear at higher doses vomiting and nausea.

Where can you buy Nasen?

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Nasen ingredients and action

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Nose is used in an accident: For Insomnia, For Sedation,
The main ingredients of Nasen are: Zolpidem ,

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193 Replies to “Nose”

  1. I have been taking Nasen for a week. I got it after midfoot surgery. Everything was fine, I fell asleep ,I woke up without being dazed. I took paracetamol yesterday ,I walked up a bit and my foot spoke. In the evening she took Nasen, this time he did not give sleep but the fears were so salty that I was supposed to wake up my daughter. My heart was pounding and I was afraid of everything. It lasted three hours until it started to let go and I started yawning again and again with strange shivers. Finally I fell asleep. Today I will definitely not take her

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Nasen is a good and effective remedy for insomnia. Unfortunately, now doctors and pharmacists are on a crusade against him, scaring patients with addiction. They recommend anti-sepressants instead, claiming, that they are not addictive. I believed and through 3 year, I used Trittico instead of Nasen. I had a nightmare while coming off this antidepressant. It wasn't just insomnia, but also other very troublesome physical and mental symptoms. It's false, that antidepressants are not addictive!!!! Symptoms after discontinuation of Nasen were much milder. This drug is safe when taken in small doses, as far as obviously, someone is in control. I do not exceed the dose of half a tablet. And I don't believe doctors, who are afraid of him, and instead recommend addictive antidepressants.

    1. Effectiveness


      No side effects




      A good night's sleep is a blessing, and when the pain comes, it's agony in bed. I have Horse Tail Syndrome and am on my way off Oxycontin. Terrible pain. And I use Stilnox once a month. Thank you. noses itp. you can take MAX 2 week. And for good reason. My mom takes 1 tablet, but for a long time. I have the behavior of an addicted person. More and more lately (I have been a sober alcoholic for over a year 3 lat i “he will know his own”). And even though she crashed the car while hallucinating (a few years ago) continue “taking only 1 tablets”. So please take care of yourself and be careful. The addict is the last person, who finds out about her illness.

  3. The hypnotic effect of the drug is very effective, I fell asleep very quickly and woke up without feeling dizzy or dazed. But as my husband told me, I was sleepwalking and delusional, which I am completely unaware of.
    As you can see, Nasen shows side effects, which I did not find in the leaflet that came with the medicine.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I take a nap, because it makes me feel like I'm high. I fall asleep quickly and feel refreshed. The downside is that he's been sleepwalking lately , my neighbor brought me home naked, my husband was furious when he saw this… Worst of all, I don't remember anything, after these nights my belly started to grow and something was moving there….my husband will wake up and I don't remember anything that I walk around the city naked at night…

  5. And I've been taking it for a few days and confirm It works I don't remember falling asleep I sleep deeply peacefully all night I wake up refreshed

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I use two weeks. One hour before your intended bedtime. I don't go to bed earlier just for the so-called last minute. I fall asleep instantly. I'm not groggy in the morning, heavy but rested and relaxed. And here's the adventure. Later that night, I noticed a chocolate wrapper in the garbage. I didn't remember eating it.!!! Others have similar experiences too. Sleeping pills either hit the resistant or you have to accept the side effects. I thought I'd use it from time to time. …I take every day….that's the truth. Addiction is the desire for a good night's sleep , getting rid of the nightmare of restoring from side to side. I don't like being under pressure , I hate being in control. I'm giving myself time. I'm feeling so good. Until something extreme happens , bang, I'll scare you and throw the ashes out the window.