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Rating Mozarin

If the usual information from the Mozarin leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the true stories of Mozarin and expert opinions

Our users rated Mozarin for the average grade 5.9/10 based on 153 comments posted on
Latest Mozarin Stories
Neurosis,bole,fainting. I have been taking this drug for 7 months,it's already okay,sometimes it all comes back,but it passes in a moment. the problem is lack of concentration,I am still drowsy

Raphael the Mozarin

Best ssri. It does not disturb libido like others, e.g.. Paroxetine. Almost no side effects. Good for anxiety neurosis.

Dani the Mozarin

I take Mozarin from 2 months of depression and suicidal thoughts after drinking alcohol. The drug works, I take 10 mg daily. As for side effects. I lost a lot of weight due to lack of appetite, dry mouth, nightmares, SLEEPING during the day… [read the entire review]

Paul the Mozarin

Despite, I recommend it for the road. I have almost 18 years and took it for six months, unfortunately I put it down, because the body has become immune. There were no suicidal thoughts for many months, lack of attraction to mutilation. Normally great! It's just a pity, że przestał dzia[read the entire review]

Martyna17 the Mozarin

I take Mozarin on the fifth day. And this one is the worst. I'm feeling strange, my heart beats faster, my pupils are dilated, I'm very tired, because I woke up many times during the night and couldn't sleep. I have a lockjaw, lack of appetite, … [read the entire review]

New the Mozarin

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Description of the drug Mozarin

Mozarin is a generic drug to lexapro. Contains escitalopram, which belongs to the group of drugs SSRI antidepressants. The drug is indicated for the treatment of episodes of depression and panic disorder. However, it is also used for neurosis, and in long-term depression. Escitalopram is a potent SSRI, So sometimes used is then, when fail weaker drugs in this group. Day shall be the 10 to 20 mg of drug. Side effect profile Mozarinu is similar to all ssri. You may experience insomnia, dry mouth, somnolence, Sweating. There are also side effects associated with sexuality, including decreased libido, and the difficulty in reaching orgasm.

Where can you buy Mozarin?

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Mozarin ingredients and action

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Mozarin is used in an accident: In Depression,

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153 Replies to “Mozarin”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Neurosis,bole,fainting. I have been taking this drug for 7 months,it's already okay,sometimes it all comes back,but it passes in a moment. the problem is lack of concentration,I am still drowsy

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Best ssri. It does not disturb libido like others, e.g.. Paroxetine. Almost no side effects. Good for anxiety neurosis.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I take Mozarin from 2 months of depression and suicidal thoughts after drinking alcohol. The drug works, I take 10 mg daily. As for side effects. I lost a lot of weight due to lack of appetite, dry mouth, nightmares, SLEEPING during the day, zero sex drive, increased heart rate, sometimes shortness of breath. The most important, it works…

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Despite, I recommend it for the road. I have almost 18 years and took it for six months, unfortunately I put it down, because the body has become immune. There were no suicidal thoughts for many months, lack of attraction to mutilation. Normally great! It's just a pity, that it stopped working and I had to change it to another one. I took 20 mg per day.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I take Mozarin on the fifth day. And this one is the worst. I'm feeling strange, my heart beats faster, my pupils are dilated, I'm very tired, because I woke up many times during the night and couldn't sleep. I have a lockjaw, lack of appetite, dry mouth. Dose 10 mg. This is not my first drug of this kind.