
Get to know the drug Lorafen better:

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Lorafen rating

If the simple information from the Lorafen leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Lorafen and expert opinions

Our users rated Lorafen for the average grade 6.3/10 based on 27 comments posted on
The latest stories about Lorafen
He suffers from anxiety neurosis over 20 year, only LORAFEN, helps me, keeps me alive. Effective drug. THANK YOU.

BALBINA the Lorafen

The side effects are terrible. I was taking this drug 20 years, and a wise lady psychiatrist ordered him to be discontinued overnight 3 months with the support of hydroxyzine. Nightmare,who may not take it because it is addictive quickly and very effectively, without it you can't … [read the entire review]

hnu the Lorafen

For over two years I have been suffering from a really strong depression and anxiety disorder. I've already been to a few psychiatrists, but only recently a psychiatrist prescribed me Lorafen. As for the drug, it really is great, it is the only one that works (in my case … [read the entire review]

Konrad the Lorafen

I'm taking lorafen 1 mg early and 1 mg in the evening from approx 15 years old and I am now 37 year. It helps me with fears and anxieties, but unfortunately I have the impression that the longer I take it, the more I get brain water, but i take a lot of drugs and maybe who… [read the entire review]

tomsoul the Lorafen

This is a weaker fact . It goes slower, but it is also sleepy and gives a blissful feeling and xanax just makes it ok. As if nothing had happened . Normal and not foggy

adAm the Lorafen

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Description of the drug Lorafen

Lorafen is a drug that combines all the features of benzodiazepines. It works both anticonvulsant, soporific, How and calming. It is a short-acting drug, which in his case means about 5-10 hours effective operation. This is the positive side, because it is longer acting benzodiazepines, surprise, more dangerous than those working less.
Lorafen is highly effective, but its dangerous side effect is occurring in the time dependence. It is not easy taking Remeron alone, and often requires medical attention, and even hospital. Problems with drug addiction often have a person, lora fen which take because of its sedative effect.
Overdose lora Fenu is dangerous and, unfortunately, you may end up coma or even worse result. Most, however, overdose lora Fenu ending badly about people who kept outside lora fenem also consumed alcohol.

Where can you buy Lorafen?

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Lorafen ingredients and action

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Lorafen is used in an accident: For Sedation,

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27 Replies to “Lorafen”

  1. He suffers from anxiety neurosis over 20 year, only LORAFEN, helps me, keeps me alive. Effective drug. THANK YOU.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The side effects are terrible. I was taking this drug 20 years, and a wise lady psychiatrist ordered him to be discontinued overnight 3 months with the support of hydroxyzine. Nightmare,who may not take it because it is addictive quickly and very effectively, you cannot do without it, but over the years it stops working, despite high doses..

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    For over two years I have been suffering from a really strong depression and anxiety disorder. I've already been to a few psychiatrists, but only recently a psychiatrist prescribed me Lorafen. As for the drug, it really is great, it is the only one that works (in my case, even Afobam is a Xanax replacement has failed ). I only take it in case of a dimple, because it is highly addictive and the body can get used to it, therefore it will not be as effective. I keep it always, like the proverbial ace up your sleeve. Recently after taking 1 mg of Lorafen at 9:00 already at 10:30 all the problems, worries, malaise faded into oblivion. I recommend it to all those who have had experience with ineffective drugs so far, and the knife will help. You always have to hope.
    Regards :)