
Find out more about the drug Lamitrin:

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Rating of Lamitrin

If the usual information in the Lamitrin leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check the real stories about Lamitrin and expert opinions

Our users rated Lamitrin for the average grade 6.9/10 based on 36 comments posted on
Latest stories about Lamitrin
I have been taking Lamitrin for 10 years. For the last 5 years 100mg/24h. Side effects are sometimes headaches, sometimes drowsiness. I have been taking 150mg/24h for 2 days. The doctor increased my dose, because I had an epi attack after 3 years, plus anxiety attacks, nerve to the max (impressed… [read the entire review]

age the Lamitrin

massacre after 4 weeks after taking the first dose, I ended up in the hospital with a huge burning rash all over my body, facial swelling and difficulty breathing.

Nit the Lamitrin

I took lamitrin for over a year and it ended badly. Not only that the effects of the drug were imperceptible (my diagnosis is conversion disorder) yet the doctor did not want to reduce my dose. I left at my own risk. Nie żałuj[read the entire review]

Asia the Lamitrin

My son has epilepsy. When 6 Few days after taking lamitrin, fever started, rash, and then the rash turned into huge blisters all over the body. I was diagnosed with Stevens syndrome- Johnson. Now my son is fighting in sz… [read the entire review]

Anonymous the Lamitrin

Hello, I have bipolar depression, I take the drug Lamitrin from 3 week, it was a dose in the beginning 25 mg. And now I'm taking 50 mg. Already with such a small dose, I felt better from severe depression, I feel better every day, you can come with me… [read the entire review]

Monika the Lamitrin

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Description of the drug Lamitrine

Lamitrin is a prescription drug with a wide range of uses. Most people know him, as a drug antykonwulsyjny (for use in epilepsy) but, is also given to people with bipolar disorder (Chad). In the case of bipolar drug is designed to help the patient get out of the state of mania and mute.
Patients often are concerned about the long list of side effects: double vision, dangerous skin reactions, coordination problems, blurred vision, somnolence, irritability.

Where can you buy Lamitrine?

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Lamitrin ingredients and action

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Lamitrin is used in an accident: Anticonvulsant,

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36 Replies to “Lamitrin”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I have been taking Lamitrin for 10 years. For the last 5 years 100mg/24h. Side effects are sometimes headaches, sometimes drowsiness. I have been taking 150mg/24h for 2 days. The doctor increased my dose, because I had an epi attack after 3 years, plus anxiety attacks, nerve to the max (the feeling of a bag on the head, Panic Attacks, chills…). From 2 days after Lamitrina almost everything has gone!!! I'm changed, I don't have nervous diarrhea anymore, which has been bothering me for 4 weeks!! All I feel is drowsiness, but compared to what the neurosis brought me, it's a breeze. A miracle drug for me. I hope, that it will continue to do so!!!

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    massacre after 4 weeks after taking the first dose, I ended up in the hospital with a huge burning rash all over my body, facial swelling and difficulty breathing.

  3. I took lamitrin for over a year and it ended badly. Not only that the effects of the drug were imperceptible (my diagnosis is conversion disorder) yet the doctor did not want to reduce my dose. I left at my own risk. I do not regret this decision because I feel much better ! I laugh and smile like I used to. And on top of that, I came across terrible side effects after discontinuation. Cysts have appeared in the breasts and I am waiting for surgery and removal. Generally, if you are young and active (especially a young mother) I do not recommend it ! :(

  4. Hello,
    My son has epilepsy. When 6 Few days after taking lamitrin, fever started, rash, and then the rash turned into huge blisters all over the body. I was diagnosed with Stevens syndrome- Johnson. Now my son is fighting for his life in the hospital. Watch out for this drug.