
Find out more about the drug Fluoxetine:

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Evaluation of Fluoxetine

If simple information from the Fluoxetine leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the true stories about Fluoxetine and expert opinions

Our users rated Fluoxetine for the average grade 7/10 based on 30 comments posted on
The latest stories about Fluoxetine
because fluoxetine is not addictive…

my the Fluoxetine

I was treated with phloxetine for bulimia 8 months, I took a dose 60. I would say that without this drug, I would definitely not be able to cope with the disease, the first two months, I was gradually increasing the dose, that's why it was very hard for me at the beginning, g… [read the entire review]

Lajaneczka the Fluoxetine

After the dose 20 he could have terrible attacks of anxiety, weakness.

Baa the Fluoxetine

I have been taking 20 mg a day for a year. It seemed to me, that it has no side effects, because I felt good, but so far I had a stable weight, while it looks like this, that by fluo “entangled” me over 5 kg of extra pounds. I have an impression… [read the entire review]

joa the Fluoxetine

Unfortunately, the drug causes a decrease in libido. In the initial phase, you lose a lot of weight on it, but unfortunately subsequent doses do not have this effect anymore, and the weight is back to normal.

Michaela the Fluoxetine

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Learn from Flux

Component of Fluoxetine, as its name, is fluoxetine. This is probably the most well-known antidepressant drug. I was determined fluoxetine happy pill. In fact, it is a strong SSRI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor), often used as a first-line drug, not only in depressive disorders, ale i bulimic, premature ejaculation or even. Wait for the full effects to be at least 2 week. Users often complain of decreased libido while taking.

Where can you buy Fluoxetine?

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Fluoxetine ingredients and action

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Fluoxetine is used in an accident: In Depression, For anxiety,

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30 Replies to “Fluoxetine”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    For me, the pills were very well accepted. The doctor wrote down 1 a day after 20 mg, but I increased myself to
    2 tablets after 20 mg… Wild at first, motor restlessness, strange daze, quite unpleasant noi euphoria.
    But what I owe most to the Prozaks? Well, I lost weight on them 4 kg in a week… I am mega heppi out of this
    reason, and this further enhances the anti-depressant effect and increases well-being.

    I'm after a week of taking, the side effects wear off, the drug is working at full speed, I still want to laugh

    A bomb for me, I used to be convinced, that antidepressants include drinking water, and here, however, my positive surprise :)

    Prozak turned out to be much better than benzadiazepines, which I took for several years with poor results.

    You can function normally after fluoxetine, social contacts are also improved, everything's fine and there's a guitar.
    My social phobia is gone, I'm more empathetic. The fears are gone too.
    I, that it's only been a week of use and I shouldn't feel any effects, maybe it's a placebo, but I'm so happy, even if it's a placebo:)
    Some people report feeling very unwell at the beginning of treatment or that the drug is not working properly.
    In my opinion, you need to approach the treatment properly and do not expect miracles from drugs, but change your life, and this will enhance the effect of fluoxetine, which for me is a magic medicine.
    I only have vision problems, but that's the smallest drawback.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Reactive depression to the death of a loved one – Diagnosis Psychiatry. I felt terribly, black before my eyes, fears, weeping and hysteria, sleep problems, pangs of conscience , memories, etc. . I got Seronil 10 mg i Pramolan 50 . Rano Seronil, evening Pramolan. I treat almost 3 months and slowly go out with illness. I 28 years and admit, I never caught me before depression etc. Unfortunately, I broke my dad died like. I would recommend to cure the disease. Seronil is great.

  3. take it 2 Zolafrenem.to week with what is probably the drug szukałem.trochę przyzwyczaić.skończę hard to be sick and go back to pracy.chyba is well.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    After the breakup with her boyfriend broke down terribly. To the extent, the mother fearing for my health and mental state led me to the doctor. Said, I have depression and prescribed me Fluoxetine. I do not know if I have to take this medicine, but finally broke. The first few days after taking the drug were terrible I felt, I have even more dollars, to this I had trouble sleeping. Then everything is normalized, returned energy and the will to live. Only I was still sleeping problems, ie. I slept little enough 4, 5 hours and I was already ISLAND. The drug effective, but you get used to it.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I had in my life really difficult time. Fate did not spare my nerves, and my family. Sometimes the truth I had had enough and a lot of stupid ideas. A person close to me bought me fluoxetine, with concerns about my mental state. Gee drug is sensational, I was really wreck, but eventually pulled herself together. They also had an impact on my loved ones, but I, that Fluoxetine played a big part in this.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Revelation, I recommend! I had a strong depression after a month of taking fluoxetine took in August to put together. You really helped me.