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Edronax rating

If the usual information in the Edronax leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Edronax and expert opinions

Our users rated Edronax for the average grade 5.5/10 based on 22 comments posted on
The latest stories about Edronax
You can't buy it anywhere. At the manufacturer, neither BE nor ME nor KUKURYKU, that is Las Vegas. They are very apologetic. Just what people are supposed to do, who are already taking it 20 year, and there is no substitute !!!

Peter the Edronax

Not only, that expensive, completely ineffective… It only increased the anxiety and fear and caused a ravenous appetite… I do not recommend…

Basia the Edronax

I have been treating depression for two years taking Wellbutrin in a dose 150 mg + Zoloft 50 mg. For me, it was a perfect combination. There was a greater will to live. I started working, to realize. Unfortunately, the effects began to wane with part… [read the entire review]

insomniac the Edronax

I had a tachycardia attack afterwards, high blood pressure (which subsided only after a month after discontinuation of the rebo), Constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, sweating dripping onto the floor, I thought, that my hair will rot and fall off, because it would… [read the entire review]

lll the Edronax

The maximum dose is 8 mg. bigger won't help you, the effect will be counterproductive.

monfis the Edronax

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Description of the drug Edronax

Edronax contains an active substance from the group andydepresantów. Reboxetine is a. This measure is unusual antidepressant, because it does not affect the serotonin system. Neutransmiter, which focuses on the forces that reboxetine noradrenaline. This profile of action affects, that is the activating agent Edronax, though probably not considered to be a stimulant. Sometimes it is used for the treatment of ADHD, even. A positive feature is edronaxu, it is faster than other antidepressants. Two weeks may no longer be sufficient time, to determine the effectiveness of, or ineffectiveness of. The use of edronaxu associated with a high probability of the following side effects: dry mouth, insomnia, headaches, and, (What is surprising) somnolence.

Where can you buy Edronax?

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Edronax ingredients and action

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Edronax is used in an accident: In Depression,

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22 Replies to “Edronax”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I have not found yet the drug, that more than a month to work effectively. A judge on the same effectiveness 20-30%. Had high hopes for new drug, of Edronax. Positive effect as with other drugs (as above). With this, that caused me a lot of negative side effects. A problem with the prostate and urination. Dry mouth, but also reduce the desire to drink (maybe the lack of taste). It works like this, if the water sucked from the body, reveals what trouble passing stool, It is hard as a rock and anus hurts. Alarmingly increased blood pressure 160/100. Lack of sex drive. It is a medicine not for me.

  2. Welcome, just got medication from the doctor and I'm happy, With more that I found a lot of positive comments about edronaxu. poprzednio bralam juz cital- nie pomogl a potem velaxin er i byl ok- przerzucilo me but the other way or have suffered the mania. starting from 1 tablets, 2.trzymam then crossed. oh is it true that you can see improvement soon?

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Good medicine,may be discontinued without reducing doses,dzień.Z of the pleasant side effects of drowsiness felt,jednakże nie przeszkadzająca w codziennych zajęciach.Lekkie zawroty głowy i brak apetytu.Schudłam po nim,I do not know how many kg,because I do not have the habit to weigh,but it was noticeable and impressive odczuwalne.Miałam,the drug on the occasion of p / depressive slightly uspokaja.Aha,lot after urinating,at night or getting up a few times, even(!).Sometimes I felt derealizacji,but it was not scary,rather pleasant,I will add,I do not belong to the people,you like this type of survival,and jednak.Można been through it;).The downside is the price-32 zł per 20 tablets,drug must be ordered at the pharmacy,because it is not possible “in stock”.Overall, probably the best medicine after fluoxetynie,which I took….

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    After a few days increased to 4mg, and then 8. Mainly because, the cool effects, I felt at the beginning that disappeared. Still plans to increase the dose, but in a nutshell I can write what side effects have occurred:
    Positive: I lost a lot of weight, I did not have to try, go on a diet, or something, just lost my appetite, my motivation is better than ever, although I use it mainly to make orders at home.
    Negatives: I have a problem with dryness in the mouth, I read a lot on the Internet, zanim zacząłem brać edronax, So I was prepared for this side effect. So I say, among you probably also occurs. The second thing, sweating it. Quite problematic, but there is nothing to exaggerate. Bóle głowy też się zdarzają, ale je można zwalczyć pyralginą (paracetamol ki i inne nowe leki na mnie nie działają)

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I'm on this for a few weeks and I have to say, I'm not disappointed.
    I was on all anti-depressants under the sun and I'm not really a bad experience with fluoxetine alone. Improved my mood, maybe I should write, do not let me fall into depression. It was not perfect, however, the drug and all the time I was looking for something that will give me energy and improve it, so to speak my contacts. Stąd właśnie zmiana na edronax. I did not have to do such things drajwa, which by the way I wanted to do, but I had no energy. Good, to the point. With Edronax was so:
    The first few days I was on 2mg. Strange feeling, I knew that the dose is low, too low, mimno but I had the original symptoms. The first day I think I slept the whole, but in the next I had trouble going to sleep. Insomnia simply. Mornings were cool. Will to live, tons of energy, no little unnatural feeling.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The drug is very difficult to obtain. I was able to buy it until the fifth pharmacy. Panie aptekarki robią duże oczy słysząc nazwę edronax :) I took a very small dose, only 4mg a day and therefore do not know how I would rate. I increase the probably soon to 12mg. I'm only in the area of ​​drug experimentation and a lot still to come.
    Na more: Wake up in the morning (as it turns out, not only for me), less emotional approach to life,
    minus: sleepy all day, apart from a short time in the morning. It's been only a week, so it does not do drug yet for losses. Pzdr

  7. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Edronax jest całkiem w porządku, although I have noted, he acted as approximately 6 months and then stopped (can not be completely, but it is not as fun as it was). It is a good means of adding energy, but this is the coolest, every day I woke up very early and I just got up ? I felt as if my need for sleep decreased by at least half. With no lounging on the bed, or yawning.
    Dry mouth is a big problem, but I worked it almost chew gum non-stop.