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Depakine rating

If the usual information from the Depakine leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Depakine and expert opinions

Our users rated Depakine for the average grade 5.3/10 based on 48 comments posted on
The latest stories about Depakine
Hi, I was taking these drugs as a young age boy 15 years for approx 6 months, they almost finished me off. I gained approx 20 kg, I was still asleep, I was unlivable and I failed a year in school :( After weaned it, everything went fine … [read the entire review]

kamil the Depakine

I have been taking a lot of years there, on and off, depakine 2 x po 300 morning and evening, later I stopped taking on my own and 10 years was quiet, I haven't had seizures, hospital dose and set to 500 i 800 in the evening, I do not know, if he feels bad, or dob… [read the entire review]

scopophile the Depakine

Hello, a year ago I had a one-off attack. The neurologist immediately prescribed Depakine. Later I got pregnant, I stopped taking the drug, I felt great. Now I'm taking again. And I'm dizzy, abdominal pains, Muscle, trembling all over the body. Is it mo… [read the entire review]

Justin the Depakine

The doctor finished my daughter off with this drug, and she had only 18 year, she took drugs occasionally, not always, but once a month she might have been addicted to some degree, but they should forbid this drug and prevent it from being sold, has the… [read the entire review]

mama the Depakine

I've been taking depakine for about two months, together with herbs to calm down (passion flower and passion flower). I have a kind of neurosis with changes in eeg. This drug helps me recover. At the beginning of the bite, she had a tight grip in her head (but I do… [read the entire review]

bird the Depakine

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Opis leku Depakine

Depakiane has a very large range of applications. Is a product of choice by neurologists treating epilepsy patient, but it is also a very interesting effect on psychiatric diseases depakiny. In one particularly impedes life bipolar disease (bipolar disorder) This drug stabilizes the patient's mood. Here is more effective at relieving mania, than depression. Medicine, some doctors are also trying to treat ordinary depression, but in this arena Depakine (Valproic acid is stronger competitors). The drug is also used, as a remedy for headaches and difficult to relieve headaches.
The drug is not without side effects. The most serious of these is the rapid liver. More often, however, Depakine causes fatigue during the day, increased hair loss, drowsiness and weight gain.
Taking the drug during pregnancy, unfortunately, is associated with an increased (about three times) the occurrence of birth defects. Studies show, that the children of women taking valproic acid during pregnancy are more likely to have autism.

Where can you buy Depakine?

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Depakine ingredients and action

Find out about the composition of Depakine and its application to ailments
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Depakine is used in an accident: Anticonvulsant,
The main ingredients of the drug Depakine are: Valproic acid , Natrii valproas ,

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48 Replies to “Depakine”

  1. I have been taking a lot of years there, on and off, depakine 2 x po 300 morning and evening, later I stopped taking on my own and 10 years was quiet, I haven't had seizures, hospital dose and set to 500 i 800 in the evening, I do not know, if he feels bad, is it good, I was always muddy and probably genetically balding and my hair was falling out, did I take, did I always eat a lot, when I left the hospital, not including the examination seizure, approx. You have to research and that's it, liver ok too at the moment. In 1 it works like this, on others differently, therefore, please do not follow my opinion.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello, a year ago I had a one-off attack. The neurologist immediately prescribed Depakine. Later I got pregnant, I stopped taking the drug, I felt great. Now I'm taking again. And I'm dizzy, abdominal pains, Muscle, trembling all over the body. Could these be side effects????

  3. The doctor finished my daughter off with this drug, and she had only 18 year, she took drugs occasionally, not always, but once a month she might have been addicted to some degree, but they should forbid this drug and prevent it from being sold, and doctors offering this drug to addicts should sit down.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I've been taking depakine for about two months, together with herbs to calm down (passion flower and passion flower). I have a kind of neurosis with changes in eeg. This drug helps me recover. At the beginning of the bite, she had a tight grip in her head (but I experience it very often anyway). Anyway, my main problem is the nervous tic, which appeared when falling asleep, and then even during the day which made me despair. I decided to ask a psychiatrist for this measure and it helped me calm down and finally slowly stopped throwing me, and the tick does not occur during the day. I take 600 overnight. Hair falls out a little more than usual, but I guess it's not very bad. The hands are probably shaking less. I am clearly calmer. And I also feel weird, ie. I am fully aware of this, that I fall asleep and feel dizzy, when my body “turns off the lights”, then I sleep about 5 hours and end, but she feels well rested. I also have strange dreams. I do not see any weight gain or an increase in appetite, but probably it's because of the herbs, because on the depakin itself I actually felt a bit “suction”. Thinking problems I guess… There are some, a thing from years ago that I remembered after a few seconds, now they are beyond my reach, until suddenly BOOM comes to me after a few minutes. But honestly, it makes me feel very happy, that I started taking this drug, because I know how few resources can help with tics, and the depakine can also silence them and then, by carefully descending, eliminate them, and I cannot imagine acting with them and pretending, it actually is “okey”.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    For these, who have been prescribed it for epilepsy: it works for attacks. I don't actually have them. Most neurologists will tell you, that depakine has no side effects, and as it turns out, that it causes depression, they will be terribly surprised. After a week of use, I came to the neurologist and cried in the office (one of the most embarrassing events in my life). Appetite problems are. There are libido problems. There are problems with leaving the house. Liver problems are. The worst thing is awareness, that you have to take this poison, otherwise you will have an attack. In general, don't be persuaded, that this depression is from something else and is not related to anxiety, because that's bullshit. I felt worse after increasing the dose. I am on three antidepressants and only thanks to them I can work. Does it pay off? It definitely pays off not to have attacks.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    With psychotropics, it's pure roulette. Plus Russian. I received this drug in two hospitals (indeed that is why, that is ridiculously cheap). I continued Depakine treatments after leaving the hospital. It didn't help in anything. Contrary- sleep disorders, nausea, anxiety attacks. What's worst for me, as women- weight gain. In two months, approx 10 kg. I went to the gym, I was running, the most healthy diet. I won't even mention hair loss. I put this stuff down, I hope, that everything will be back to normal. Especially the weight. I also take paroxetine, ad hoc alprazolam.

    1. Hi, I was taking these drugs as a young age boy 15 years for approx 6 months, they almost finished me off. I gained approx 20 kg, I was still asleep, I was unlivable and I failed a year in school :( After weaning, everything was normal after approx 2 months- the weight is back, I wasn't sleepy and finally I could function normally.
      Now he has been using Trileptal or Carbagen for epilepsy for years.