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Opis leku Comirnaty

Comirnaty to szczepionka na Covdi-19 (coronavirus) by Pfizer BioNTech in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of single injections.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccine with modified nucleosides.

What is an mRNA vaccine?

An RNA vaccine or mRNA vaccine is a type of vaccine, which activates the adaptive immune system with messenger RNA1, whose nucleotide sequence encodes a protein identical or similar to the pathogen antigen or tumor antigen. This protein is produced directly in the target cells by translation of the messenger RNA contained in the vaccine and is recognized by the body's immune system, which reacts by producing antibodies against the pathogen.

The messenger RNA may be naked, that is, delivered directly in solution or vectorized in lipid nanoparticles; RNA viruses are also being explored as possible vectors for RNA vaccines.

This type of vaccine has certain advantages over DNA vaccines in terms of manufacturing, the method of administration to patients and safety of use. The vaccine approved for use in the EU created by BioNTech and Pfizer is just an mRNA vaccine.

Informacyjny RNA ze zmodyfikowanymi nukleozydami zawarty w szczepionce Comirnaty jest zamknięty w nanocząsteczkach lipidowych. This allows the penetration of non-replicating RNA into the host cells to allow the transient expression of the SARS-CoV-2 virus S antigen.. The mRNA encodes for membrane anchoring, full-length S protein with two-point mutations in the central helix. A mutation of these two amino acids to proline causes the S protein to be blocked in the antigenically preferred prefusion conformation. The vaccine induces both an immune response, i.e. the production of neutralizing antibodies, as well as the cellular response to the peak protein antigen (S), which can help protect against COVID-19 disease.

Currently, mRNA strains against neoplasms are in the clinical phase, flu and rabies

Vaccine form

Fiolka Comirnaty (caronavirus vaccines) with multiple doses. Contents include 5 doses after 0,3 ml. One dose contains 30 micrograms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (in lipid nanoparticles).

The vaccine form is single-stranded, RNA (ang. messenger RNA, mRNA) with a cap at the end of 5 '. It was produced by in vitro cell-free transcription on a DNA template. As a result, the SARS-CoV-2 virus peak protein is encoded.

Gdzie można kupić Comirnaty?

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