
Find out more about Coaxil:

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Coaxil evaluation

If the usual information from the Coaxil leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Coaxil and expert opinions

Our users rated Coax for the average grade 5.5/10 based on 116 comments posted on
Latest stories about Coaxil
I take coaxil ok 2,5 week, the viewer will see an improvement, Before, I didn't have the strength to get out of bed, I was afraid of everything, I thought, that I am lost in another world. The neurosis was unbearable. After a few days of taking coaxil, I caught T… [read the entire review]

Much better :) the Coax

I have the same feelings about the drug. Have you changed your medicine to another one??

Mami the Coax

Hello, I take coaxil 12,5 mg for almost a month, I noticed, that I have more energy and I want to live, but sometimes I'm a bit sleepy and hyperactive, for last 3 I've had very bad headaches for days and I can't concentrate on anything at all… [read the entire review]

anxiety neurosis the Coax

It's a weak drug and it didn't help me with my neurosis, that I have been using it for almost two months. My side effects are stomach pain, problem with driving, hyperactivity, anxiety. In fact, I am braver and have energy. Still, I don't recommend it.

But 36 the Coax

I have been taking Coaxil 3x a day for about a month. The upside is, that there is more energy and man is more courageous. I was prescribed Coaxil for anxiety neurosis. I still have fears and I feel hyperactive, I have a hard time collecting my thoughts … [read the entire review]

agony 35 the Coax

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Description of the drug Coaxil

Coax is an antidepressant drug belonging to the SSRE group. It is a completely unconventional medicine, acts contrary to SSRIs, ie. instead of decreasing serotonin reuptake, Coax makes it even bigger. The drug also increases dopamine levels. The effect is often described, as light stimulation. Coax it is most often used three times a day. To the possible side effects of the drug include constipation, dry mouth, and insomnia. In addition to using the drug to treat depression Coax it is also used in the treatment of neuroses.

Where can you buy Coaxil?

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Coaxil ingredients and action

Find out about the composition of Coaxil and its use in ailments
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Coax is used in an accident: In Depression, For sexual problems, Prescription,
The main ingredients of Coaxil are: Tianeptyna ,

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116 Replies to “Coax”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello, it may be effective for a small depression, I had duuużą and this drug is not checked at all. I had to reach for a stronger.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I'm addicted to this drug of mentally. When 5 rozgryzionych tablets at a time over the next 2 hours feels nice laid back, very similar to the opiate (or codeine, morphine…)
    And so the next 2 hours, you can figure out the next 5 tablets, preferably on an empty stomach, eating all day blister.
    For me, talking, że powoduje zaparcia czy jakieś tam inne dolegliwości po 2 tablets a day is nonsense and fabrications, such persons should be treated much the oversensitive about self.
    The drug is very delicate, has a very short half-life due to, of what it is rather difficult to make from it physically, even, that if this was the withdrawal symptoms fairly quickly ustąpiłyby.
    Very cool combines with a light beer.
    The web is a description of a, who came to 240 tablets a day and after a while these doses ended up in the hospital.
    Talk about the effects and after effects of some spectacular 2 tbl dziennie to zwykłe babskie pie####e.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    In a significant period of time after a very heavy personal experiences, wystąpiły u mnie lęki bez uchwytnej przyczyny. Especially intensified in the morning and I could not in any rational way to explain the reason. I went to a doctor. Przepisano mi COAXIL. I took him half a year. The effects of fine. Action indeed – you as you write – was only, when the body is saturated drug (1-2week). For me there were no side effects. The drug put me on my feet. By the way, I learned-and this is important-, that the drug is not addictive

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    luzik drug works ..….several days, and less stress, more sun. But I guess that's it…

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Coaxil jest to mój pierwszy antydepresant. As for me, a revelation. Coaxil take the 9 months, two times a day. With it, not crazy, is the perfect drug for me. Owszem zaparcia były, but disappeared, I have lost with what I'm glad, and finally slept all night. I have a great sense of humor, I smile and I want the Sun :)
    As for me, a medal for what he created him;.