
Find out more about the drug Captopril:

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Captopril evaluation

If the usual information from the Captopril leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Captopril and expert opinions

Our users rated Captopril for the average grade 7.8/10 based on 32 comments posted on
Latest stories about Captopril
Captopril is a drug that lowers blood pressure very quickly, but its effect is limited in time. I use it temporarily in episodes of pressure relief in combination with relanium. The primary antihypertensive drug is another drug, though… [read the entire review]

Zbig the Captopril

I take, because it is effective, but the pain is quite annoying, appearing and disappearing, sometimes just a few minutes in different places, sometimes itchy hives.

alice the Captopril

The first drug, which I got for high blood pressure. At some point you may find out, that it will no longer be enough, but for now I can only cope with his help. If someone has shortness of breath after captopril, Is his breathing worse?… [read the entire review]

Del Mus the Captopril

Like all drugs from the group of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, causes the so-called. angioedema, dangerous complication, cough, dyspnoea, I have swelling of the esophagus and respiratory tract., itchy rash. Pain in various places, appear… [read the entire review]

grandma a, the Captopril

And I have itchy hands. They hurt.

ewelina the Captopril

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Where can you buy Captopril?

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Captopril ingredients and action

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Captopril is used in an accident: For hypertension,

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32 Replies to “Captopril”

  1. Moja mama dostała u lekarza receptę na captopril 12,5mg i ma go łykać raz dziennie ale mam obawy. Mama jest osobą starszą i nie wiem czy zostawienie u niej całego opakowania jest bezpieczne. My question is: czy po przypadkowym zażyciu większej ilości leku nie zbije sobie niebezpiecznie ciśnienia? Czy jest jakaś bezpieczna granica?

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Biorę w razie potrzeby po 20 my. obniża ciśnienie bezpiecznie tzn. nie nagle do niskiego, ale stopniowo.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Ja stosuję Captopril, my doctor has prescribed this drug to rapidly reduce the pressure.
    I use it under the tongue. One tablet taken sublingually reduced from an average of 10 do 20 mm of mercury after 15-20 Minutes.
    It is a very safe drug. You can often use this drug, but, of course, under the control of the pressure.
    The disadvantage of this drug is that it is short acting. Ingested, it starts to work after about an hour

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Very good and effective drug. does not give any side effects. It is used occasionally by sudden pressure jump.