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Assessment of Biofenac

If the usual information from the Biofenac leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the real stories about Biofenac and expert opinions

Our users rated Biofenac for the average grade 5.9/10 based on 73 comments posted on
The latest stories about Biofenac
It doesn't help me

Opinion of bipfenac the Biofenac

Fresh from a skiing accident. After two days, the knee (torn sacral tendon of the knee, marrow seeding inside, slightly crushed left bone below the knee, mcl / acl torn and no pain or walking problems (with the orthosis, it's not like that… [read the entire review]

Adam the Biofenac

I used it with a sore shoulder. Already after the first day, I felt relief and improvement. In my case, no side effects. I recommend.

Betty the Biofenac

I have been using it for a long time and I feel that it helps with the pains of my poor spine, but the nausea and stomach pains are exhausting me.

marten the Biofenac

I take for shoulder pain, degeneration ,torn supraspinatus tendon ,pain in any position and at night, I feel very relieved after Biofenik


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Description of the drug Biofenac

One of the medications, which people with arthritis reach for is biofenac. To describe it briefly, we would say, it's very strong, at the same time, a fairly safe painkiller, which, although it can be used for various types of pain, it is prescribed mainly for painful diseases of the joints.

A name that resembles another drug, diclofenac, also applicable in this disease, it is not confusing. Chemically, the active ingredients of these drugs are similar to each other, although as the research showed, it is the biofenac that I am describing here that is better at dealing with pain. It is the pain and the inflammation itself that are symptoms of diseases such as e.g.. rzis, against which doctors prescribe biofenac.

Despite, that it is not clearly written in the leaflet, Biofenac should definitely not be given to mothers who are breastfeeding their babies, nor the children.

Where can you buy Biofenac?

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Biofenac ingredients and action

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Biofenac is used in an accident: For rheumatism, In Ponds,
The main ingredients of Biofenac are: Aceclofenacum ,

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73 Replies to “Biofenac”

  1. I take this drug from 2 days of severe pain in the knee, the doctor said it was degeneration, I couldn't walk and the revelation was like a hand subtracted ,I walk normally only around the house, but a lot. So far, no side effects,maybe because I always take the protective drug Nolpaze in the morning. I also recommend this sensational drug to all those suffering from joint pain. Satisfied Bear

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I've been taking this medicine for the second day so far with no side effects. very good operation, I had pain in the spine in the lumbar region and I could not function normally. it was painful for me to walk. I couldn't sit up, I only slept in a fixed position, each change of her ended in a wake-up call caused by pain. when 5 I was broken for days. Today I can move for the first time in a week.

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hello and I have a question about biofenac because it says that it can lead to heart disorders or a heart attack I'm really afraid to take it because sometimes I have high blood pressure and sometimes my heart has palpitations I am asking for help because my leg also hurts like sciatica

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Biofenac may be an effective drug for some people , Unfortunately for me it turned out to be mediocre, and side effects definitely disqualifies him…
    After the first day of taking the drug, my stomach started to hurt, I was nauseous and had a little stomach upset … after the second day of taking Biofenac, my skin began to itch , eyes haunted me, as if I had sand in them and my head started to ache .
    On the third day, unfortunately, in addition to the already described symptoms , that began to intensify , I started having ringing in my ears, terrible headache , dretweinie rak, arm and, as it turned out, high blood pressure . I thought , that I will faint and die…it turned out , that okay after 2 hours from the apogee of this bad feeling, my blood pressure was 160/120…I dread to think how tall I could have been before. I personally advise against it, but maybe I'm just one of the few for whom this drug does not serve and instead of helping it can lead to a disaster…

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    4 I had a skiing accident years ago- patellar fracture. It is known: gypsum, convalescence, rehabilitation. I still have knee pain to this day. My right leg is much weaker than my left, I get tired quickly and I have pain in the knee joint. When the pain intensifies for no reason, I save myself with Biofenac. Always helps me.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    The medicine works well for me too, I feel it's better than diclofenac, which I took before. As for the side effects, it's not a big deal. I will advise people who take: I always felt sick about an hour after taking the medicine, I would compare it to taking augmentin (it's such a strong antibiotic) and there is always some dullness to the extreme, i.e. vomiting. What helped was drinking milk, or eating fatty food just before taking the medicine. I have to take Biofenac because without it the pain stops me so much, that I can't work.

    1. thanks Marcia for the advice. I am also taking Biofeenak with fatty food/olive oil,lard,butter,semolina on milk with butter, yolk and whipped white ,fish in oil and tea – nothing happens.
      I actually took three pills.
      I feel sick after aspirin and Bifenac is according to. very strong to me.
      Someone is writing above ,that he is afraid of a heart attack after it - he can start a day and half a tablet and test himself.

  7. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    For me, biofenac turned out to be a lifesaver, the amount of pain I've been in since the car accident. Then my legs and spine suffered. The accident did not end with rehabilitation and several surgeries. After all, I suffer from daily pain. I will say otherwise, I suffered, because biofenac worked and eliminated the ailments. It works and I am writing this to recommend it, because I know from the doctor, It has far fewer side effects than other medications. It is known that painkillers are not neutral for us, only unhealthy, but you have to find one, which will be the softest. Biofenac and its generics are said to be safer than those normally prescribed. I have almost no pain anymore. See if it works the same for you. It's a good idea to talk to your doctor about choosing a good painkiller, because it's a long-term choice.