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Asequrell rating

If the simple information in the Asequrella leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out real stories about Asequrella and expert opinions

Our users rated Asequrella for the average grade 6.9/10 based on 10 comments posted on
Latest Asequrella stories
I use asequrella, strong ale, because it serves me better. When 2 weeks of swallowing, better mood, I feel lighter. It's ok.

repulsion the Asequrella

no, right, melissa, I didn't have that either, that a week I downloaded and wow suddenly the effects, I got better after 2. months. Be muted, I wasn't bothered by mood swings, appetite also decreased ;)

image the Asequrella

I also use asequrelle and read a bit about its composition, so I will answer you Lotka: the blade protects the liver, and ginger is for libido. I didn't see any results right away either, but I take it persistently, from 3 months and I see improvement. No j… [read the entire review]

melissa the Asequrella

Does this drug increase weight gain? because I take antidepressants and I gained a lot of weight, my belly got really big. I'm not pregnant! girls help :-D

Edith the Asequrella

Composition is important to me, Harmonella is better in my opinion, That's why I take it as a shield with contraception, because it contains the necessary vitamins and minerals, not just herbs, and protects above all my heart and liver and … [read the entire review]

milena the Asequrella

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Description of the drug Asequrella

Asequrella is advertised, as an aid in the application of hormonal contraception (preparations such as: Cerazette, or Harmonet). Contraception changing the female hormonal system, outside of preventing pregnancy, can cause a number of side effects. Women complain of such. a decrease in libido and weight gain. Asequrella with its palette of natural substances is to help eliminate disturbing symptoms.

Where can you buy Asequrella?

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Asequrella ingredients and action

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Asequrella is used in an accident: Curtain,

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10 Replies to “Asequrella”

  1. Does this drug increase weight gain? because I take antidepressants and I gained a lot of weight, my belly got really big. I'm not pregnant! girls help :-D

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Composition is important to me, Harmonella is better in my opinion, That's why I take it as a shield with contraception, because it contains the necessary vitamins and minerals, not just herbs, a chroni przede wszystkim moje serce i wątrobę oraz układ krążenia

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Ja mam delikatny żołądek, po tabletkach bolał, mdliło mnie, lekko przytyłam. Imbir działa na mdłości, to mi pomogło, zielona herbata chyba pobudza no i nie puchłam tak od wody, ale z tym tyciem niewiele zrobił, więc daję 4/5.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Actually. Libido poprawiło mi się a masa ciała nie zwiększyła. Na prawdę asequrella to suplement, who helped me, but I still have doubts about whether drugs should be taken, other drugs that help. After an endless circle… Yes, you can take anything at all…

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Po cerazette kiepsko się czułam: nausea and vomiting. Asequrella nic na to nie pomogła. I had discontinued anti-

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I have tried this baby and I have a feeling, asequrelli that all actions can be assigned to ginseng and green tea. I, because I took ginseng before in the form of bodymaxu, Green tea and since I am probably no longer even subject. Co daje asequrella? Or, rather,, what I gave ? improve mood and more energy (Ginseng), a deeper sense of peace at the same time. The ginger and ostryżu do not know much. I can not say if the situation improves, anti-pills which worsen. So for me to 3.