
Find out more about the drug Aknemycin:

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Aknemycin rating

If the simple information in the Aknemycin leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the real stories about Aknemycin and expert opinions

Our users rated Aknemycin for the average grade 7.6/10 based on 11 comments posted on
The latest stories about Aknemycin
I had terrible skin before going to the dermatologist, prescribed me aknemycin and after about a week most of it was gone! I did not expect such an effect, because nothing works for me, didn't dry out my skin at all, I don't use any moisturizing cream… [read the entire review]

Anon the Aknemycin

2 times, spot on, from morning and evening.

Luiza the Aknemycin

I did not help, no improvement – over a month of use, I expected something more for this price.

dissatisfied the Aknemycin


iwona the Aknemycin

how many times a day is it used?

marten the Aknemycin

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Description of the drug Aknemycin

Aknemycin it is used to treat acne vulgaris. It contains an antibiotic called Erythromycin

Where can you buy Aknemycin?

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Aknemycin ingredients and action

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Aknemycin is used in an accident: In Acne, See More,

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11 Replies to “Aknemycin”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I had terrible skin before going to the dermatologist, prescribed me aknemycin and after about a week most of it was gone! I did not expect such an effect, because nothing works for me, didn't dry out my skin at all, I don't use any moisturizer, yet my skin is so smooth, like never! Revelation, I hope, that with prolonged use, everything will disappear.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I did not help, no improvement – over a month of use, I expected something more for this price.