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Ocena Triptych

If the simple information from the Trittico leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the true stories of Trittico and expert opinions

Our users rated Triptych for the average grade 6/10 based on 191 comments posted on
The latest stories about Trittico
Hello everyone, I am starting to take this drug from today, I will see what will happen

Daro06 the Triptych

Thanks for this post I have been suffering from anxiety depression for over 10 year. Depression can destroy you, life, all plans. Man wants to console himself, is looking for some characters on the internet, that it is going in the right direction, and here such an entry is picked up… [read the entire review]

Madzia the Triptych

Thanks a lot for the motivating post because after trittico xr I literally feel like shit and I have no strength for anything ,I ran and exercised before and it was the best medicine, the doctor changed me to trittico because after seroxat I had strange disorders… [read the entire review]

Hose the Triptych

No side effects. Nausea

And the Triptych

It took a month to start working, and all the time I was taking the drug, I felt like I was flu , stuffy nose, cough,psychic ,headaches and dizziness and I am sweating like a condemned man .

ullena the Triptych

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Opis leku Triptych

Triptych is currently the only preparation registered in Poland containing Trazodone. This antidepressant, and to fight depression. Lek ten, although the impact on the economy of serotonin is not an SSRI. With receiving Triptych they are not associated with typical ssri side effects such as weight gain.
Triptych has been used mainly in depression, and the struggle with insomnia.
The side effects that may come with taking Trittico are headaches, heaviness of the head, nausea and dry mouth.

Where can I buy Trittico?

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Trittico ingredients and action

Find out about the composition of Trittico and its use on ailments
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Triptych is used in an accident: In Depression, For anxiety, For sexual problems, Prescription,
The main ingredients of Trittico are: Trazodon ,

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191 Replies to “Triptych”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I was supposed to take the drug when I was asleep.
    On the first try, it didn't work on me at all (I don't remember the dose).
    A few years later, I made a second attempt and, surprisingly, it turned out, that it made it easier for me to fall asleep, although it takes me about 1 hour to fall asleep after I go to bed (unless I go to bed too early).

    Unfortunately, I have to put it back, due to side effects.
    In the first days, I was terribly nauseous, but that just happened.
    It is unacceptable for me to muddy, lethargy all day and depressed mood, through which I cannot work normally.

    1. Welcome, in my opinion it is too late to take the drug, he needs at least an hour, other people's two hours, so that it gets into the body and begins its beneficial effect of sleeping and calms down, these are tablets that are effective in many respects, praised by all my patients, but you need to be aware of this, that tab. LONG-LASTING so max. the 21 take the drug!!! That it would metabolize by morning, by default, you may feel anxious at first, dry mouth, palpitations, headache, fatigue, irritability, lack of concentration, breakdown, weariness, unreal, etc.. It is caused by a serotonin surge, and it is perfectly normal, work? Belief, inner peace, it is time for the medicine to break down fully in the body, gradually increasing the dose, in severe and long-lasting insomnia, severe depression, neurosis, lekach, phobia, dose min. must be 150 and increased successively to 300 or with very resistant depressions to 600 mg under the constant care of the attending physician. The bottom line is this, to take the drug at the latest at 21 and allocate min 8-10 hours to sleep.

  2. He won't write much about the drug, because I just started using it. I'm taking him for insomnia tonight will be 4th night, the first two were great, although I still wanted to sleep in the morning, 3 the night was worse I fell asleep 2 times 1 an hour and the third time I removed Fr. 2:30 incentive 6:30 , I felt uncomfortable, but I think, it's because of it, that my wife woke me up the first time I tried to go to sleep. When it comes to depression, then I will tell you one thing. You won't win with drugs alone, it just won't work. The first thing you have to do is change your mind and try to keep yourself busy, so I don't have time to think (it's negative thinking), you know you have to think ;) Secondly, it is a hobby and a sport, what you like to do and start doing it and pushing yourself to sport can be hard at first, but ok. 2 months, a habit should emerge and after diligent training, a state of calmness mixed with euphoria will begin to emerge:) In the meantime, try to get out to people, if, due to depression, you are brittle with friends, maybe it's a new acquaintance? Basically if you have social anxiety, then I recommend you to take small steps towards people, don't worry, you can fool around with time, or show with “this weird side”, because it notoriously happens to healthy people as well, only they either laugh at it, or it just flows off them. Start doing good deeds, help with bringing purchases or something. ( then you will show your good side:)) It is also a good idea to take a pet, although not everyone has such an opportunity. In general, I have to tell you this, that this depression, it's usually a side effect of one of the best features in humans, that is, great sensitivity. So you are often the cooler people, than half of healthy people. And most importantly, do not get down to each other on the forum, I know, that you want to let it out, but believe me, that if you feel a little better, are other people, who are looking for help on this forum, reading unpleasant entries they get even more depressed and feel a feeling of hopelessness. P.s. I know what I am writing, because I was going through depression myself, I was struggling with her with 4 years of drugs did not help me, until one day I took the words of a song to heart, which flew somehow: ” something is turning away from us today, accumulate your anger instead of giving up, and swap her, turn it into strength to act, 'Cause no one has ever recovered from complaining….” I started doing everything I wrote above, not even knowing, will it do anything, I was just stubborn and after six months I started to function as normal, when 1,5 the year can be said, that I was already healthy, next, it's just a fixation of it, what I won. So you can see for yourself, that he would be able to get out of it…

    1. great ale, positive comment:)) You just want to live, a nice person you are.
      And I take the other day and I believe, that it will be okay. Na cuda nie liczę a ospałość? Najwyżej zwolnię trochę pęd w biznesie, przyda mi się:)))
      Pozdrawiam wszystkich świrów.

    2. Effectiveness


      No side effects




      Wspaniały komentarz!
      Ja masakrycznie się czujęospała skołowana, nie do życia, zawsze mam wielką energię a tutaj odwrótdo tego co się dziejei jeszcze alparagannie nie nie….
      Biorę te leki 1 raz w życiu. Ze względu na mobbing w pracy
      ale w taki sposób to nie dla mnie

    3. Thanks for this post I have been suffering from anxiety depression for over 10 year. Depression can destroy you, life, all plans. Man wants to console himself, is looking for some characters on the internet, that it is going in the right direction, i tu taki wpis podnoszący na duchu. Dzięki wielkie!

  3. Moim zdaniem trittico CR jest takim średnim lekiem. Jego nasenne działanie uwidacznia się po dłuższym czasie (ok.m-ca). Na dodatek dobrze jest wspierać go innym lekiem, np. ketrelem z grupy neuroleptyków w celu osiągnięcia lepszego efektu nasennego. Sny są ciężkie- wprawdzie nie koszmary, ale nieprzyjemnenoc w noc! Śni się, np. to że podpadło się w pracy, albo za człowiekiem wysłano list gończy lub coś się nie układa (np. załatwianie spraw, które na co dzień uchodzą za miłe). Taka sytuacja powoduje, że wprawdzie wstajemy bez piasku w oczach, ale pierwsze myśli, zwykle kierowane na to co się śniło, napawają niesmakiem. Jako antydepresant? Każdy zapewne ma nieco inne doświadczenia. Ja ogólnie uważam, że każdy nowy lek dla organizmu działa na początku dobrze, później jego skuteczność się zmniejsza. O ironio po odstawieniu leku nawet na dłuższy czas, powrót do niego organizmzapamiętujei już nie jest tak słodko jak wcześniej. Tak jest również z trittico CR. Wy też tak macie?

  4. Potwornie sucho w ustach od pierwszego dnia brania leku, pół nocy piłam wodę, zablokowany nos, problem z zaśnięciem, nie usnęłam przez 5 h po zażyciu, po dawce dziennej ciężka głowa, skołowana, pierwszy raz takie objawy po leku, zrezygnowałam po 3 On.

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Ja zażywam Trittico na zaburzenia snu ( przewlekła bezsenność, która nawraca co pewien czas). Zażywałam na spanie Imovane, Stilnox, natomiast rano po nich źle się czułam: dizziness, weakness, nausea, problemy z koncentracją plus tolerancja na lek. W końcu wybrałam się do psychiatry, który przepisał mi Trittico 75 mg i powiedział, żebym dzieliła sobie tabletki i brała 1/3 or 2/3 z tabl. w zależności od natężenia stresu w dany dzień. W pierwszą noc zadziałał na mnie fatalnie, palpitations, rozdrażnienie i musiałam wziąć dodatkowo nasenny Stilnox. Efekt Trittico tak jak podaje ulotka, dopiero po około 1 week. stosowania pojawia się. Obecnie biorę go 3 tydz po 1/3 tabletki i nie mam problemów z zasypianiem, nie wybudzam się tak często jak wcześniej, wstają w miarę wypoczęta i co najważniejsze bez skutków ubocznych. Zauważyłam tylko po nim zwiększone odczucie suchości w oczach i jamie ustnej oraz zmniejszony apetyt. Ale z apetytem to akurat się cieszę. Tabletki mam przepisane na 3 months, póki co jestem zadowolona i mam nadzieję, że jak odstawię je później, to sen się aż tak nie pogorszy. Pozdrawiam i życzę wytrwałości! ;D

    1. Effectiveness


      No side effects




      I take the 12 days (lekka depresja i bezsenność) i chyba odstawię.

      Dopóki go nie zacząłem zażywać – co noc się wybudzałem i zasypiałem z trudem. Raz na tydzień –dwa miałem nieprzespane kilka nocy z rzędu. Od pierwszej dawki Trittico – proporcje się odwróciły. Within 12 dni przespałem 3 walnut. Budzę się regularnie po 4,5 h snu i nie mogę zasnąć do rana.

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Bardzo chciałam zamienić Doxepin 100 mg na noc na Triticco.
    Owszem spałam nieźle, ale ten ból głowy był nieznośny. Walczyłam ok. miesiąca i wróciłam do Doxepiny.