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Ocena Triptych

If the simple information from the Trittico leaflet is not enough for you, and sponsored articles on other sites do not appeal to you then check out the true stories of Trittico and expert opinions

Our users rated Triptych for the average grade 6/10 based on 191 comments posted on
The latest stories about Trittico
Hello everyone, I am starting to take this drug from today, I will see what will happen

Daro06 the Triptych

Thanks for this post I have been suffering from anxiety depression for over 10 year. Depression can destroy you, life, all plans. Man wants to console himself, is looking for some characters on the internet, that it is going in the right direction, and here such an entry is picked up… [read the entire review]

Madzia the Triptych

Thanks a lot for the motivating post because after trittico xr I literally feel like shit and I have no strength for anything ,I ran and exercised before and it was the best medicine, the doctor changed me to trittico because after seroxat I had strange disorders… [read the entire review]

Hose the Triptych

No side effects. Nausea

And the Triptych

It took a month to start working, and all the time I was taking the drug, I felt like I was flu , stuffy nose, cough,psychic ,headaches and dizziness and I am sweating like a condemned man .

ullena the Triptych

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Opis leku Triptych

Triptych is currently the only preparation registered in Poland containing Trazodone. This antidepressant, and to fight depression. Lek ten, although the impact on the economy of serotonin is not an SSRI. With receiving Triptych they are not associated with typical ssri side effects such as weight gain.
Triptych has been used mainly in depression, and the struggle with insomnia.
The side effects that may come with taking Trittico are headaches, heaviness of the head, nausea and dry mouth.

Where can I buy Trittico?

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Trittico ingredients and action

Find out about the composition of Trittico and its use on ailments
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Triptych is used in an accident: In Depression, For anxiety, For sexual problems, Prescription,
The main ingredients of Trittico are: Trazodon ,

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191 Replies to “Triptych”

  1. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    I'm taking the night in the company of the antidepressant asertinem. 150 for me too high a dose. In my works 100.
    I would add, that is my primary receiving interferon therapy for MS.
    Bez leków antydepresyjnych nie przetrwałabym leczenia interferonem.

  2. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    In general, I could not take – I got it to sleep, but after 25 mg at night very uncomfortable…

  3. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Przyjmuję Trittico w dawce 50 mg of 2 months. For me it is very effective and well tolerated – lack of side effects. It gives me a lot of energy, good mood, makes it easy to fall asleep – I sleep without excitation, normal dreams, I get up early in the morning refreshed and ready for action.

  4. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Trittico to skuteczny lek na przyśpieszenie fazy snu ,I have delayed sleep phase syndrome rather extreme eveningness chronotype. Already after a few days of giving effect. For the first time in my life I finally saw, what they feel other people getting up in the morning! Pretty soon fell asleep ,sleep was deep and restorative ,I was feeling rested during the day and I had no need to sleep after class. Most importantly, I did not sleep long , I got up in the morning without an alarm! Immediately out of bed on legs, without przewalania August from side to side. Also felt more motivation and desire. 150mg dose is too high! and am working przytłumiająco, because the concentration in the blood is too high in the morning. The optimum dose is about 50mg 4 hours to sleep before the drug reached the highest concentration in plasma.
    NOTE !!! it is necessary to take the drug at the same time! as I once again took the drug every day about 2 hours later, I wish I had time to sleep and going to bed 2 hour later, I fell asleep right away daily, I had a lot of stress on the mega-universities and chaining. Developed by a free running rhythm “Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder? Something worse than the sleep phase delay:(

  5. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Some time ago I showed up at the doctor. The reason was a radical change in the life and the fact that. Simply became harder. There is a reluctance to operate well and sleep disorders.
    Dostałem trittico i … I have to admit, in the case of me was a magic drug.
    Initially prescribed me 150mg, but… This dose was too strong for me. Absolutely could not wake. There was no effect przymulenia, just sooooo good for me to sleep.
    I started to test :) We found, 25mg for sleep that made me the best. There were incredibly pleasant dreams, very intense. 25 did not result in sleep. Improved quality of sleep. 50mg is ABSOLUTELY not for me. Sleep was shallow and nervous. 75mg turned out optimum. Helps you fall asleep and if I take care of sleep hygiene, hates my little anxiety and definitely motivates me. With this, mobilize to life that began only after about 6 take months of regular.
    In my case, the dose 75 mg proved to be excellent, in 3 D levels: SEN, ANXIETY, STAGNACJA

  6. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Lekarz przepisał mi trittico po tym jak inne środki nie dawały sobie rady z moją bezsennością. I took both herbal products such as. kalms, that did not work at all, but typically developed drugs to fight insomnia. The latter acted, but I felt that they were too strong for me. I was afraid of a dependency.
    Trittico is also not for me. About half an hour after I take my heart starts to go crazy. It really bothers me falling asleep. Once I manage to fall asleep, my sleep is interrupted. I wake up several times during the night. Not a tower that gave me a dream holiday. So far I 4 attempts to take. Each of them ended up in the same way.

  7. Effectiveness


    No side effects




    Hi, I 40 lat trittico dostałem na migrenę. That's how it is, that antidepressants work well in this area also. This is not the first such drug, which I put into the fight against migraine, but the former had to give up, due to problems with my heart already sick. Triptych I pomaga, and I have no problem with side effects. The only notable effect, This increase in the number and intensity of nightmares.